HRMN300 Assignment 1 – Summer 2019

Question 1:

  1. Discuss the evolution of the HR role from administrative to  strategic  What factors were involved in this transition? Why is it  important for HR to be involved in the organizational strategic planning  process? What types of skills are needed by HR professionals today and  why are they important (name at least 3)? How are they different from  the skills needed 20 or 30 years ago? 
  2. Reflect on the HR function in your current organization or an  organization you have worked for.  Evaluate the HR role in the  organization and discuss the alignment between HR priorities and the  organizational strategy (do not name the organization). In other words,  did you see evidence of a strategic focus?  Why or why not? 

Question 2:

Some organizations follow a lengthy, complex selection process,  whereas in other organizations the process may be more streamlined. Some  may view the longer and more complex selection process to be more  valid.  

A) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a lengthier  process versus a more streamlined one?  Consider the perspectives of  both the job seekers and the organization and the tradeoffs between  efficiency and effectiveness.  As a job seeker, what process would you  prefer to follow and why?  

B) Consider the selection process for an organization where you were  ultimately hired.  How would you describe the process from a candidate  perspective?  Do you believe it was effective? Why or why not? 

Question 3: 

Consider a job you currently have or have held in the past. 

A) Perform a job analysis on that job.  What tasks are required?   What knowledge, skills, and abilities are necessary to perform those  tasks? 

B) Prepare a job description based on your analysis. 

Assuming the role of a human resource manager, how does a job  analysis help protect the organization from legal issues? How can a job  analysis be used to support recruiting and compensation decisions? 

Question 4:

  1. How are motivation and engagement related to employee retention?  Do  you see a difference between the concepts of job satisfaction and  employee engagement?  What factors might contribute to job satisfaction  and engagement? Explain your answer. 
  2. Think about a job where you have been employed for many years. What  factors influenced your job satisfaction?  What factors influenced your  decision to stay and why? Consider a job where you had a short tenure.   What factors influenced your job dissatisfaction?  What factors  contributed to your resignation and what factors could have made you  stay?  Which were within the organization’s control?

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