Impromptu Speech Topics About Everything

Impromptu Speech Topics About Everything

Jul 04, 2019 Updated on Aug 13, 2019

Thinking of impromptu speech topics, and impromptu speeches in general, can confuse and cause panic in students. That's because for many individuals, an impromptu speech could certainly be considered one of the most difficult to deliver. But that's also why mastering it is highly valuable.

What is an impromptu speech?

An impromptu speech is a speech you must deliver without preparation. Imagine a professor inviting you to stand in front of the class and render a speech on a particular topic.

This seems honestly terrifying, to say the least, especially for those who aren’t adept at speaking in front of an audience. Circumstances like these, however, do occur in daily life and will surely happen to everybody in the future. You may be asked to present a speech for a certain celebration or give your colleagues some semblance of speech - and there are multiple instances when you aren't warned beforehand and you'll need to improvise.

Teachers and professors therefore take it upon themselves to prepare their students for such circumstances by assigning them to deliver impromptu speeches.

The students, in most instances, are informed that they will have to deliver an impromptu speech. Some scenarios, however, are unanticipated and require students to improvise.Need help with your term paper or essay?



How do you prepare for an impromptu speech?

In some instances, you at least are familiar with the subject your speech would be focused on and the audience to which you will deliver your speech. You will have more liberty in these scenarios and you'll be able to plan ahead: for instance, by selecting some humorous impromptu speech subjects if the audience is suitable for that, and so on.

However, some cases deprive you of the opportunity to prepare in advance. But even in this situation, you can practice delivering an impromptu speech at home by choosing subjects you find interesting and rehearsing them.

Whether you need to come up with impromptu speech topics for high school or for college isn’t important - you'll be able to think about some either way. If you find this too difficult to do without an example, we've arranged a list of excellent topic ideas for you - you can read them below.

Once you’ve thought of your own topic or choose to pick one from the list, take some time to prepare. In reality, of course, you're not going to be able to spend much time in preparation - so make sure that you don't take more than a minute to think of an opening, supporting statements, and a conclusion.

Practice delivering an impromptu speech. Even record yourself if possible. Make sure that you won't be delivering the speech for two minutes at least.

If you decide to record it, listen to the recording and attempt to spot what's wrong with it. You may take notes. Your objective here is to make sure you speak fluently and present your perspective correctly. But if this isn’t the case at first attempt, don't feel too bad - if you practice more, you'll be able to change that.

You could even work with a friend, which is even better than practicing alone because you can provide feedback to each other.

Preparing for an impromptu speech.

Impromptu Speech Topics 

No matter what topic you choose, the content of your speech should encourage critical thinking and introspection. The list of impromptu speech topics below should help you with much needed practice, but keep in mind that you should choose one that moves you, one that you are passionate about. After that, choose one that’s out of your comfort zone. Make an argument, voice out a chosen thesis. Identify your main thought, and make sure to deliver clear ideas. While the thought of impromptu speech is scary, enough practice will help you get through. To get you started, here are good topics to choose from, all arranged accordingly:

If you’re up for tackling issues and practicing the art of persuasion, here are good topics to look at:

  • How books are better than electronic books
  • Should English classes be taught in all disciplines?
  • Should tipping in restaurants be made obligatory?
  • School uniforms do not promote student equality 
  • The uselessness of cursive writing today
  • Prisoners and voting: should they be allowed?
  • Internet should be censored by the government
  • Medical marijuana can be harmful
  • Global warming is real
  • What age is appropriate to give a child a cellphone?
  • Should American military budget be cut?

Here are humorous impromptu speech topics as you try to overcome your fear of public speaking:

  • What are the different ways we get up in the morning?
  • How do you please your boss?
  • First date tips and tricks
  • How do you tell if a person likes you?
  • Tips to making it through Walmart shopping
  • Does TV turn people into modern age slaves?
  • Finish the party before your parents arrive
  • What do you think your pet tells you?
  • What happens if children were allowed to vote?
  • Are round-shaped pizzas healthier?

If you wish to talk about topics close to you, these topics can help give you a better picture:

  • My role model
  • The meaning of friendship
  • Why I want to become a/an ______ in the future
  • How do you resolve inner conflict?
  • If I were the president of the United States for a day…
  • Overcoming trauma
  • What would my first book be about?
  • What would I do if I could change the world?
  • Do I still believe in the American Dream?
  • Things I will never forget

If you’re in middle school in need of appropriate topics, then these are for you:

  • Tips to improve your weekends
  • Cool games you can play on rainy days
  • My favorite celebrity and why
  • How do you avoid getting grounded?
  • Making skateboarding safe
  • Moving survival: new town, new life
  • My first trip abroad
  • The Harry Potter series and how it has affected my life
  • What would I do if I won a one million dollars?
  • If I were famous, I would..

If you’re currently in high school looking for good topics for your impromptu speech, check out the list below:

  • My future career path
  • School bullies and how to deal with them
  • Promoting teamwork
  • My volunteer experience and why you should try it too
  • Is peer pressure any way beneficial?
  • Gym performance should not be graded
  • The benefits of doing homework with others
  • Learning by myself versus learning in the classroom
  • Creativity cannot be taught
  • What school doesn’t teach us and wish they do
  • My lonely island life

A college student looking for good topics? We have some for you: 

  • Should college students be allowed to choose their roommates?
  • The truth on campus violence
  • How do you avoid cheating? 
  • Does music affect quality of education?
  • College and lifelong financial debts
  • Are scholarships truly fair?
  • Your survival guide to your first year of college
  • Should students report other students who display symptoms of depression?
  • Should colleges provide birth control pills and other contraceptives?
  • College professors and their biased attitudes

Controversial topics are a great way to practice not only your speaking skills, but your ability to research valuable information. Here are some ideas:

  • Is there a need for prayer in the classroom?
  • Should churches and religious organizations be obligated to pay taxes?
  • Female priests: the controversial issue
  • Human cloning is morally unacceptable 
  • Online catalogs and public libraries 
  • Is there a link between the rise of crime rates and  violent video games?
  • Should employees be replaced by robots?
  • How plastic bags ban cannot not help the environment
  • Zoos should be banned
  • Rehabilitation and recovery over prisons
  • Death penalty should remain illegal

These are just some of the many topics you can choose for your practice. Delivering a speech on the spot is scary indeed, but with enough practice, ideas should flow easily. 

Student preparing to write speech.

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