Improve Writing Skill

Sources to Help You Improve Writing Skill

Sources To Help You Improve Writing Skills

Improve Writing and Editing Skills

query_builder June 14, 2018

The responsibilities of writers refer to more than mere writing

Before the actual writing stage, writers need to find sources, read, study, and analyze them, collect data, listen to some materials, prepare draft, and only after all this to start writing. Apart from writing skills, it is necessary for a good writer to possess editing skills as editing is an inseparable process of making a piece of writing as perfect as possible.

If you are just learning how to write, the following resources will help you grow as a good writer.

1. Grammarly.

If you want to learn how to write correctly, Grammarly is your best friend here. This is one of the most accessible and user-friendly software aimed at proofreading. With the help of the program, you can easily spot spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. Apart from that, it helps you avoid errors connected with vocabulary choice and style. The program is popular among students from all over the world and is thus often updated and modified according to the latest standards of English.

2. Roy Peter’s book Writing Tools:

55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer. The author of the book reckons that it is not enough to know the theory. Rules are good but what is far more important is tools. When you read the book, you will definitely get invaluable lessons on how to write elegantly and effectively. The techniques the author provides will definitely teach you how to write smoothly, logically, and coherently.

3. Diana Hacker A Pocket Style Manual.

Having learned the writing tools, you can now understand and cope with the rules. The latest eighth edition of Hacker’s book will provide you insights on proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling usage. Besides, it will provide you guidelines on how to formulate proper sentences.

4. Stephen Wilbers’ Keys to Great Writing.

With the help of this book, you will be able to mold or modify your individual writing style. The book mainly focuses on the basic mechanics of writing. In Wilbers’ book, you will find many great tips on how to apply stylistics to what you write.

5. The Write Life website.

If you want to improve your mastery of writing, come and visit Here you will find numerous articles containing invaluable information on how to write properly and attract large audiences. The articles have some common themes, such as Instagram writing, blogging, marketing, posting on social media, fiction-writing, etc. This resource is mainly targeted on online writers and online audience in general.

6. The Write Practice website.

If you can’t stop striving for perfection, please visit website to get lessons and other interactive exercises that will help you with writing improvement process. You will find lessons on a variety of topics (connected to academic writing), which will help you improve your weaker areas and master the ones you are already good at.

7. Writer’s Digest podcast.

The resource contains the lists of dos and don’ts in writing, academic prompts, articles on fundamental writing tools, etc.

8. The Writer Files podcast.

You are free to find this podcast on iTunes. If you prefer listening activities to reading, this is just what you need as the service contains interviews with prominent writers about their steps on the way to writing, habits that helped them improve, sources where they derive creativity, tips on time-management, and advice how to become productive.

9. A Way with Words.

This radio program and podcast related to language and its manifestations will be extremely interesting to those who strive hard to improve the mastery of writing and language skills. If you want to expand your vocabulary and enrich your vocabulary of idioms and phrasal verbs, this podcast is definitely what you need. In case you are interested in etymology, then you can easily find podcasts with word explanations.

10. I Should Be Writing podcast.

If you tend to stare at the blank page and find it hard to actually start writing, this podcast is just the thing for you. Here you will find interesting interviews mainly with fiction writer who share their own tips on boosting productivity, improving time-management, and dealing with the ups and downs of the writing career.

11. Writing groups on Facebook.

If you like socializing, connecting with peers, and discussing different aspects with other people (even if it’s online), welcome on Facebook writing groups. You are free to exchange your experience and find samples of other people’s writing.

12. Evernote.

If you tend to forget what to do next in your prolonged writing process, the Evernote application is here to help you stay timely and organized. Evernote app can be synchronized on all devices you have, so you can access your notes regardless of whether you work on your personal computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. Besides, Evernote is used for saving different interesting materials, such as links, articles, videos, and other content.

13. Zen Pen.

If full writing form is not your strong side and you tend to contract words often, use this app. It will help you track down contractions throughout the whole paper. It will help you keep focus on a single error or a particular aspect of writing.

14. Tomato Timer.

If Pomodoro Technique rings a bell for you, then you might have already guessed that this app is about time management and fighting procrastination. The program enables you to monitor your working process (in this case – writing process): you can set work spans and rest spans (such as 25 minutes and 5 minutes).
Use the resources to make progress in writing. Still, keep in mind that there is no other option for you to improve than to sit down and write-write-write.

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