Improve your Writing Skills

How to Improve your Writing Skills

For some reason, writing can be very frightening to some people. In some cases, one may love to write, but the problem is they do not have the skills that they aspire to have. It is time to finally stop dreading this relaxing activity – go over these ten ways to improve your writing skills, and start on that article you have been meaning to write.

1. Review the basics.

Grammar. Before you work up on any idea or style, if you are well-aware that your weakness lies with proper grammar, then take some time to review the basics. Writing is only difficult if you actually find it difficult to convey your thoughts because you are not sure of the appropriate word to use or you are uncertain if your grammar is correct. Most of the time we are simply scared to be flagged as incorrect, but writing is not supposed to be this excruciating. So, equip yourself with the best weapon, that is mastery of the basic grammar rules.Need help with your term paper or essay?



2. Read.

The best way to hone your writing is through reading, because it is through reading that you witness actual thoughts put into words. Being afraid to read is like being afraid to learn, and in order to quickly improve your writing skill, you have to read. You do not really have to read step-by-step guide to write an essay, you can simply work your way through various essays available online in order to catch an inspiration, or perhaps to see what style you can work with the easiest. Do not try to compress your reading time into an hour before you do your writing. A notable progress in your writing skill cannot happen overnight. You have to make an effort to ensure that you meet your reading activity on a regular basis. Reading can also broaden your mind, hence, allowing you a better perspective on your topic. The more materials you read, the higher the chances that you will acquire the skill to understand what makes a written piece effective for its readers.

Mastery of the basic grammar rules allows you to share your thoughts clearly.

3. Work with a friend.

Get a study buddy who you trust can help you with your dilemma. It does not matter if he or she is highly-skilled with writing, as long as you learn together, it will make the task easier. Furthermore, working with a friend can give you an easy access to feedback, which in turn can help you improve your piece immediately. Sometimes, there are errors which only another set of eyes can see. Note that even the best writers require the help of a friend to proofread their works or even hire professional proofreaders to polish their write-ups.

4. Take a writing class.

Lucky you if you happen to have a writing class up in your curriculum because you can easily ask assistance from your instructor whenever possible. If this is not the case, then opt to take a writing class in your free time. This is an investment that will never become a flop, because writing is a necessary life skill along with reading. Attending a writing class might also improve your confidence in yourself knowing that you are not the only one who has a problem with writing. Besides, it can also be fun to meet new people and make new friends.

Improve with a study buddy.

5. Study the article you thought is good.

Take some time to look closely at an article which you really liked reading. What captured your interest aside from the topic? Keep in mind that a topic can only attract your attention to read the first few sentences, but if the writing is inefficient, you will lose interest. This is common, so do not think that the problem is with you. Remember that there are articles which you read from the beginning to the last word - this is because the writing style kept you hooked, and that's what you need to understand. Dissect that article and highlight the parts you like the most, and allow yourself to understand why. Is it because of the transition? Is it because of the technique? Or is it because it is easily understandable? Whatever the reason is

6. Practice.

We all know that practice makes perfect. There is no point in sulking and repeatedly thinking that you are weak in writing. Spend this precious time honing your writing or studying various writing styles that you can take cue from.

Do not trust your memory. Trust your research.

7. Research.

Never ever assume that you can handle things on your own. There are things which you might think you are certain of, but at the back of your mind, there is a voice asking you if you really remember it correctly. When that happens, then it is probably incorrect. If that is the case, opt to visit research materials all the time. It is best to see that you are correct, than find out that you are wrong later on. Furthermore, researching is also a part of proofreading, and both processes are essential to a good article.

8. An outline is your best friend.

Formulating an outline allows you an easy overview of your plans regarding your paper. Everyone experiences having thoughts rushing in all at once, which is never beneficial since a human’s mind tend to remember only a few of these thoughts, while the others get archived almost immediately after thinking about it. So sit back, and look at your topic in a bigger picture. From there, allow yourself to separate the subtopics which are not that necessary from those that are vital to your work. Start listing them down, it does not matter if it is not in order yet since you will organize them later on as you polish your game plan. Note that this is actually the harder part of writing – to pin down your thoughts into one cohesive plan. After all the confusion and hard work in writing your outline, the writing part will become easy, since you already have your guide. Do not skip proofreading because this is the part where you can rectify any error.

Speak out.

9. Write what you think.

Do not be afraid to offer your own analysis as your educated opinion is the crowning glory of your paper. No matter how many research or journals you have read, if you failed to share your own take on the topic, then your paper is simply a review of literature, or worse a summary (unless, of course, if you are tasked to write a review of literature or a summary). Speak your mind especially if you have a theoretical basis which can challenge your readers as well.

10. Do it now.

Whichever tip you wish to take from this list, do not postpone it for tomorrow. Do it now and aim to do it well. Procrastination is the first element to a chance of failing your essay because cramming results to rushed output, and no excellent output can be made out from a cramped schedule. If for any reason, your schedule has become so compressed that you are in need of help, talk to us and we will be delighted to accommodate you.

Here are a few more tips that you need to improve your writing skills:

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