150 Interesting Debate Topics For You To Choose From

A Choosing an interesting topic for a debate can be a little tricky. There are several factors that are to be considered before you choose a topic.

Is the topic debatable?

Do you have content for it?

Is the content easily available for research?

Are you genuinely interested in the topic?

Is the topic good enough to impress your audience?

To create a strong debate, you don’t need a complex topic. Your topic needs to be interesting enough to create an engaging discussion. This blog contains the best and most engaging topics to choose from for your debate including controversial, funny and political debate topics.

1. How To Choose Good Debate Topics?

There are some important factors that need to be considered when it comes to choosing a good debate topic. A good debate topic will help the audience understand both sides of the issues and keep them engaged to make better and informed decisions.

Here are a few tips that will help you choose a good topic for your debate.

  • Interest – it is necessary that you should be interested in your topic since you are the one who is going to write and deliver it to your audience. If you are not interested in the topic, there is no way that your debate will be convincing enough to persuade your audience.
  • Research – To debate in an effective way, you should be aware of the pros and cons of your topic. This will help you convince the audience by opposing the opponent’s viewpoints.
  • Target Audience – This is the most essential factor to consider while choosing a debate topic. Your topic should be according to the intellectual level of your audience. Only this way, they will actually understand what you are trying to deliver in your debate.

Yes, choosing a topic itself is a great struggle. Once you have chosen a topic, you will have to prepare a strong debate by researching every aspect of the topic. Is that too much work for you?

Don’t panic; we have a solution for that too. Choose a topic from the list given below and simply hire a professional writer from an essay writing service to do the rest for you.

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5StarEssays is the place for you then. All you have to do is provide your topic along with the instructions and the expert writers will do the job for you.

Here is a complete list of engaging ideas for your debate. Continue reading and you will definitely find a great topic.

2. Controversial Debate Topics

  1. Alcohol should not be sold on weekends.
  2. Pharmacists should not be allowed to prescribe medicines.
  3. Animals should not be used for product testing.
  4. Beauty pageants are setting ridiculous standards in society.
  5. Obesity in children is increasing because of parents’ lack of control over their children.
  6. Children should not be allowed to use gadgets.
  7. There should be no advertisements on kid’s channels.
  8. People should be fined according to their income.
  9. Are dancing and gaming challenging enough to be considered as a sport?
  10. How can we benefit from human cloning? Is it ethical to do so?
  11. Parents should have complete authority when it comes to the medical treatment of their children.
  12. Choosing sex should be every individual’s right.
  13. Children should not be allowed to use technology on a school night.
  14. Interns should always be paid for their internship.
  15. Children are not supposed to play video games.

3. Funny Debate Topics

  1. Women are much more complicated than men.
  2. Which one is better? Eat to live or live to eat?
  3. Children should not be allowed to watch cartoons as they portray violence.
  4. Why men can date younger women but women can’t date younger men?
  5. Are there some discrete messages in nursery rhymes?
  6. Morals or money? Which one is necessary to survive?
  7. Which gender is better? Male or female?
  8. How does sunlight affect vampires?
  9. Can vampires get AIDS?
  10. How will be life after death?
  11. Is daydreaming a good way to kill time?
  12. There will be fewer wars if women are President.
  13. Meeting in person is better than online dating.
  14. What are the best techniques to date women?
  15. Is mineral water healthier than regular water?
  16. No other sitcom can beat FRIENDS.
  17. Pineapple with pizza should be banned across the globe.
  18. Superheroes are misleading role models for children.
  19. Which is a better love story than Twilight?
  20. Fall – The best season of the year!
  21. Dogs are better pets than cats.

4. Political Debate Topics

  1. Monarchy should end worldwide.
  2. Everyone should be allowed to keep weapons.
  3. Free speech is an individual right.
  4. Religious schools and churches should also be charged with taxes.
  5. Is freedom of speech necessary for a nation to grow?
  6. What should be the penalty for illegal immigrants?
  7. There should be more members of the jury.
  8. Refugees should not be allowed to acquire any sort of nationality.
  9. Is it ethical to carry an automatic weapon?
  10. Is patriotism a good or a bad thing?
  11. There should be no politics in schools or the workplace.
  12. The tenure of government should be limited to only 2 years.
  13. Prisons should be under the control of the government.
  14. Taxes should be charged according to the income.
  15. Is the United Nations helping for peace?
  16. No country should intervene in the political conflicts of any other country.
  17. Democracy or Monarchy? Which one is better?
  18. Teenagers with a minimum age of 16 should be allowed to vote.
  19. It should be mandatory for every citizen to cast a vote.
  20. Is it okay to make Antarctica habitable?

5. Debate Topics for Middle School

  1. Along with studies, there should be chores for students as well.
  2. Sports should be an essential part of middle school.
  3. Students should not be given homework.
  4. There should be no uniform or dress code.
  5. Junk food should not be allowed in schools.
  6. Energy drinks should be banned for students.
  7. Students should volunteer for community service.
  8. Students should not be allowed to gadgets in school.
  9. Parents should be given proper parenting training before they plan a child.
  10. Learning a foreign language should be mandatory for all the students.
  11. Museums should be free for public access.
  12. Co-education is better than separate schools for girls and boys.
  13. There should be severe punishment for bullying in schools.
  14. Students should not be allowed to use social media until they reach the age of 16.
  15. Praying in schools can affect the minds of students from other religions.
  16. Is it okay for children to go vegan or vegetarian?
  17. Solar energy should be used instead of other forms of energy.
  18. It is unethical to keep animals in a zoo.
  19. Government has a right to control media.
  20. The government should work on colonizing Mars.
  21. There should be a cooking class in schools for students.
  22. There should be a monarch system in the United States.
  23. Is the death penalty effective as a punishment?
  24. The grading system is not a fair criterion to judge the abilities of a student.
  25. Video games are the cause of an increase in violence among children and teenagers.

6. Debate Topics For High School

  1. Is it ethical to use animals for testing?
  2. High school students should not be allowed cell phones in school.
  3. Global warming and its impacts on humanity.
  4. Causes of increasing racism in the United States.
  5. Marijuana should be legal for its use in medicines.
  6. Impact of social media on teenagers and high school students.
  7. Effects of violent cartoons on the mental development of children.
  8. Is it ethical to clone animals?
  9. Celebrities have the leverage to get away with crimes, more than any non-celebrity.
  10. Nuclear weapons should be banned across the globe.
  11. How effective is the censoring technique in the media?
  12. Effects of deforestation on the ecosystem.
  13. There should be a dress code in high school instead of a uniform.
  14. Is it ethical to drug test athletes?
  15. Adolescents should not be sentenced to jail. Community service is an option.
  16. Will we have flying cars by 2030?
  17. Is technology saving or destroying the planet?
  18. Use of plastics is harmful to marine life.
  19. Social media has affected the private lives of people.
  20. Real-life dating is better than communicating online.

7. Debate Topics For College Students

  1. Social networking sites are used for stalking instead of communicating.
  2. Torture is never justified, no matter what the situation is.
  3. How badly peer pressure can affect an innocent soul?
  4. Violent games should be banned for teenagers.
  5. Beauty pageants are another way to objectify women.
  6. Cigarettes should not be allowed in public places.
  7. Homework should be banned. Home is to relax.
  8. Models are setting wrong standards of beauty.
  9. Fast-food chains are the major cause of increase in obesity rate.
  10. Is sex education necessary for middle school students?
  11. Nuclear powers are the major cause of wars.
  12. Same-sex marriage should not be allowed.
  13. Gay relationships are against nature.
  14. Students are becoming way too dependent on technology.
  15. Money is a major source of motivation in the workplace.
  16. Does age matter in a relationship?
  17. The modern education system is better than the traditional one.
  18. Are curfews effective to keep teenagers in control?
  19. Co-education helps boost up confidence in girls and boys.
  20. Uniforms are necessary to maintain discipline in school.
  21. Healthy competition can increase the learning process.
  22. What are the effective ways to control bullying in high school?
  23. Students should not be drug tested in college.
  24. Does posting grades publicly motivate students to work harder?

8. Public Forum Debate Topics

  1. Abortion is the right of every woman.
  2. Genetic engineering is not a natural process and should not be legalized.
  3. Birth control pills should be accessible to teenagers.
  4. There should be an equal ratio of male and female employees in the workplace.
  5. Barbie is not a practical example of a role model.
  6. Feminism is causing more harm than good.
  7. Gay couples should be allowed to adopt children.
  8. Marijuana has its advantages.
  9. MeToo movement is being misused, forgetting its real purpose.
  10. Media should be free to express their opinions and criticism.
  11. The minimum wage for all the countries should be the same.
  12. Parents should not hit children in front of others.
  13. Censorship is necessary for media.
  14. Passion or patriotism can be harmful in certain situations.
  15. Effects of social media on teenagers.
  16. Social media is a cause of increasing depression among the youth.
  17. Use of drugs should be considered a mental issue.
  18. How is peer pressure different from bullying?
  19. How are humans destroying the habitat of animals?
  20. Being too religious can be dangerous.
  21. Use of plastic should be banned across the globe.
  22. Fur clothing items should be used.
  23. Export of animals is illegal.
  24. Harmful effects of genetically modified food items.
  25. There should be no zoos to cage animals.

Hopefully you would have found an interesting topic for your debate by now. If not, there is always an option of seeking professional help!

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