It Is More Harmful to Compromise One’s Own Beliefs Than to Adhere to Them

It Is More Harmful to Compromise One’s Own Beliefs Than to Adhere to Them

Beliefs are an integral part of human life. In fact, most of us shape our lives according to our well-established beliefs. Beliefs provide us an impetus to follow a course of action, to be disciplined and to find satisfaction in practicing our faiths. Beliefs are not devoid of reasoning. Humans tend to lay a strong logical foundation for their fervent beliefs.  Ask a Muslim, he’ll give you a hundred and one reasons behind the sacrifice of animals as instructed by his beliefs and similarly a Hindu has his reasons to not practice this belief. We do not only practice our beliefs but also found them to be superior and noble as compared to the beliefs of others. But, one should not blindly follow a widespread belief; instead, one should evaluate the beliefs with an open and critical mind before letting that particular belief guide him in the wide socio-political domain.

Compromising on beliefs, which are not prone to racial discrimination or inflict injury to the fellow human beings, engender severe repercussions for the society. Because, if you compromise on moral beliefs, it would let loose the beasts who not only subjugate you but also torment innocent and weak sections of the society.

Abraham Lincoln’s rejection to compromise on his belief for equality and freedom for all, without any discrimination of color and race, is a prominent example which further elaborates the underlying topic of discussion. Lincoln did not let the strong opposition of the southern states, ruthless civil war and the subsequent bloodshed to intimidate him in the process of abolition of slavery. He remained steadfast in the wake of opposition and did not compromise on his beliefs. He declared emancipation proclamation which curbed the inhumane institution of slavery once for all. Had Lincoln compromised on his beliefs and subjugated to the selfish demands of the southern states, the United States of America would not have emerged as the vanguard of human rights and freedoms. Moreover, Lincoln’s compromise would have given more confidence to the Southern states and the Black people had continuously lived under the shackles of poverty, misery, and sufferings. Also, it’s not hard to imagine , if slavery had flourished in the USA, what would have remained of American Dream which make it a land of opportunity and freedom.

In the similar fashion, the struggle of people like Nelson MandelaMuhammad Ali Jinnahand Mahatma Gandhi for their beliefs in democracy, independence, and human rights bear a testimony that one should not compromise on his beliefs due to fear and antagonism of others.

On the contrary, there are beliefs which take motivation from the negative emotions like jealousy, pride, racial superiority complex and selfishness. These beliefs engender animosity and are deleterious to the social fabrication of the society as they divide people on the basis of races, castes, and colors. The real motivation behind such beliefs is avarice for power and influence. To adhere to such beliefs is like holding a burning coal and throwing it at others. Although others suffer from the flames of the coal but the one who holds this coal is also a victim to its wrath.

The Nazi’s belief of racial superiority and subsequent oppression of the Jews in the form of the Holocaust is a case in point. This belief did not awe-struck the whole world as it served as the basic cause of the World War II which resulted in the death of millions of innocent people. This brings us to a logical conclusion that to adhere to such beliefs wrought havoc in the society and result in nothing but anarchy, chaos, and mayhem. The example like Hitler’s makes it explicit that it is better to give up on beliefs that result in nothing but devastation than to adhere to them.

Today the world is suffering from the war-mongering agenda of terrorist organizations and a rat race for power and influence between the mighty world powers. The battleground of Syria and Iraq is blazing at its full and all the major powers are indulged in the proxy war to safeguard their vested interests: aloof of the suffering of the innocent women, children and old residents of the ill-fated countries. The void created by this incessant war is filled by the brutal organizations like ISIS which perpetuate hate literature  and extremist beliefs. The deadly war in Syria and the rise of ISIS is a looming threat to the mankind and peace in this world. Suppose if the people start adhering to such virulent beliefs and reject to compromise on them what would be left of earth.

Humans are an aggregation of right and wrong, evil and angel, good and bad. Perfection is a quality that could not be achieved by ordinary humans; everything has its pros and cons. As stated above, beliefs have the power to guide us through thick and thin. It is up to us to stay steadfast to the righteous beliefs and learn never to compromise them but, on the other hand, it is also true that one should not fade away from compromising on the beliefs which result in animosity, suffering and threat the well-being of our fellow human beings

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