Latest Trends in Women Education

Latest Trends in Women Education

Years ago, there was a huge gap between the educational standards of boys and girls. Its not mistaken to call that era the age of darkness for girls as they were not allowed to enter the phase of secondary education. It was though considered an unnecessary bold step to allow a girl to step into any educational institute and those who had let that be, they stopped it afterward and didn’t let her go for secondary education. It is a fact that the circumstances have become quite in favor for girls to earn their higher education degree but still there are few limitations around to fight with and to give maximum freedom to girls around the world to choose their desired career for them and go for it confidently.

Today our focus of conversation is to get the latest trends line up in women’s education and try to find out the opportunities to resolve the existing hurdles girls are facing for education.

Making Learning Quality Better than Ever:

Studies show that there is a noticeable progress in the trend of making learning better by using different techniques. Teachers are not to teach only, they are also taught, given lectures, exercises, activities, examinations, surveys, learning sessions, drills and lot more activities to improve the quality of education. It is the generation which is born with technology in their hands, in front of their eyes, by their side and under their feet. You as an elder cannot satisfy their curiosity, their confusions and questions unless you are properly armed for it and for that every elder, whether he/she is a parent or teacher, must achieve advanced education to help juniors learn better.

Gender based Violence:

Violence is an important subject to address while talking about educational institutes. Gender based violence is mostly focused in that regard. Study shows that this issue is prioritize after 2012 and enough progress is made to control gender based violence in schools. Girls have been the victim of such violence and that was one of the reason of their lacking interest in education.

Targeting hard to reach areas:

Like so many other factors, another issue is that thousands of girls belong to such areas which are hard to approach and they cannot be provided with equal opportunity to avail. Late 2000 was the year when significant progress was made to widen the reach of education. Still researches proved that mostly disabled, poor, dislocated and rural girls were not equally entertained. There are hardly 10% of all organizations which are working for those girl who need special education due to disability. The areas which are affected by natural disasters are also not approachable bye organizations due to less resources. It is thus a big challenge for the global political powers to overcome these hurdles to give marginalized girls their rights.

Providing Strength to System:

GPE and UNGEI have taken a good step of collaboration which will strengthen the process of advancement for girls’ education. It has been taken as the most considerable act to build up the capacity of civil services and government as well. This specific bonding is going to work rapidly to support GPE’s efforts and to help other partners which are working in various countries for the betterment of girls’ education.

Equality at gender base:

As we have discussed above that MDG has put a lot of effort to reach the girls who are unable to get any education due to lesser resources, these efforts resulted to lower the standards of existing educational system for boys. The quantity became a major rival to quality and teachers found them helpless about the boys’ dropouts. The boys started showing bad results and poor performance. Researches shows that the organizations which were specifically settled to get girls into education are now emphasizing boys’ education as well. The gender stereotyped in curriculum are main focus and they are planning to design syllabus which has no gender limitations. UNGEI’s work is considered as the greatest contribution to this trend specially through its support of Global Education Monitoring Report Gender Review.

Social Media Contribution and role of Ambassadors:

The bilateral and non-government international organizations are planning to recognize and establish common youth ambassadors, political figures, volunteers and other contributors to spread the awareness to community level so that Girls’ education trend can be supported with full strength. These workers have a lot of work to do as this issue is recognized as a globally renowned phenomenon and we need detail work to spread the awareness at local level. Social media is playing its role via tweets, blogs, reports, surveys, photos and videos, online awareness programs and other tools to help strengthen its roots.

We believe that we can resolve this issue by working hand in hand and we not only need governments or global communities, it is a matter of personal efforts as well. Gender responsive education system is a must to be developed and the quality of education is a section to be reviewed and progressed continuously. As far as the low mentality is concerned, it can be removed by mobilizing awareness about education in rural areas and towns. Still we are really far from being called progressed in the favor of those youngsters with special needs. Our private sectors are not often taking part to remove the hurdles of special children and that is really a sad fact. Everyone should play his/her role to contribute to the matter as it needs really hell of efforts and progress to fill in the gap between girls and boys in the field of education. Girls must be driven to achieve professional degrees as well and the concept of being a domestic creature only should be removed.

Girls are to be respected and they must be provided with their legal rights, but if they are not well educated, they will not be able to understand, demand and fight for their rights. Such nations can never progress where education is limited to a specific gender.

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