Learn How to Write a Good Thesis Statement with Examples

Writing contributes to a major part of your academic life. The usual pattern followed for academic writing is that you give a little introduction to your topic, followed by its explanation and conclusion.

After the introduction, you usually start with your point of view on the topic. That one sentence you have written to present your stance is basically a thesis statement.

1. What is a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is written to inform the readers that how you will explain the importance and significance of the topic you are discussing.

Your thesis statement is a guide for your readers to know about what is going to be discussed in the essay and what should they expect.

Usually, It is a single statement written at the end of your introduction that presents your argument related to the topic.

A thesis statement helps organize and develop a strong argument in essay writing. It is the crux of your essay. While writing your essay, make sure that you develop a strong thesis statement for your essay.

2. Thesis Statement Definition

To summarize the concept of the thesis statement and its importance, the thesis statement definition is as follows.

“A short statement, usually one sentence that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, etc., and is developed, supported, and explained in the text by means of examples and evidence.”

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3. Types of Thesis Statement

A thesis statement will give your readers an idea of what you are going to discuss in the essay. It can be of two types.

3.1 Indirect Thesis Statement

An indirect thesis statement does not indicate the idea of your essay clearly.

For example: ‘I love Paris for three reasons. The three reasons will be discussed further in the essay’, but the reasons are not clear in the thesis statement. So, this will be considered as an indirect thesis statement.

3.2 Direct Thesis Statement

A direct thesis statement clearly indicates what is going to be discussed further in the blog.

4. How to Write a Thesis Statement?

While writing an essay, keep one factor in your mind, a thesis statement reflects and highlights the main purpose of your essay. Don’t rush through it.

Students get confused regarding how to write a thesis statement. Take your time for this process. Don’t try to improvise the information you collected about your topic. You cannot just formulate a thesis statement after reading the topic and information related to it; you have to do an in-depth research to formulate a weighty statement for your thesis.

To write a thesis statement, follow the steps given below.

  • Carefully read your question.
  • Choose the topic for your essay according to the type of essay you are asked to write.
  • Once you have chosen the topic, research data and facts related to your topic.
  • Collect and organize all the possible evidence you have researched.
  • Consider the significance of your topic and research data as the primary base for developing your thesis statement.
  • Create a relationship between the already existing facts and evidence and formulate a thesis that can be backed by the collected data.
  • If you change your topic while writing, change your thesis statement accordingly.
  • Keep your thesis statement very specific.

5. How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Research Paper?

To write a thesis statement for a research paper, follow the same steps as that of writing a thesis statement for an essay. Thesis statement for research paper should be clear to explain what you are going to discuss in your research paper.

You might have to change your thesis statement as you move forward with your research paper. It is better to formulate your thesis statement after doing extensive research on the topic and reviewing previous research on related topics.

You can use sentences like “As a result of A, B is …” or “B is true because …”

Once you have selected a topic for your research paper, it becomes easier to formulate the thesis statement. To know more about choosing your research paper topic, and some examples, head on to our blog.

6. How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement?

To write an effective essay, you need a strong thesis statement.

Now the question arises, how do you know if you have written a strong thesis statement?

A strong thesis statement should be specific to provide your conclusion regarding the subject. As an example, ‘social media has pros and cons’.

This will be considered as a weak and bad thesis statement since it is vague. Instead of this, we can write that, ‘students pay more attention to social media and that affects their grades adversely.’

Now you can describe this thesis statement in your essay by providing relevant facts and statistics.

A detailed and strong thesis statement justifies the argument that is going to take place in the essay.

If your thesis statement presents the main idea of your essay, then it will be considered a strong statement. Also, it should highlight just one point so that readers know what to expect in the paper, or thesis.

If your thesis statement is focused on more than one point, then you will confuse your readers. It won’t be clear to them that what is the main point you are discussing in your essay, unless the points you have added in the statement are relevant and closely related

If everyone agrees with your thesis statement, then that means you have merely written a summary and it is not debatable. A strong and good thesis statement needs to be debatable.

7. Thesis Statement Examples

Here are some thesis statement examples to give you a clear idea of how to write a thesis statement, that is specific and strong enough to explain your topic.

  1. Fast foods should be banned in schools because regular consumption of fast food among children has caused an increase in heart diseases and obesity rate among them.
  2. Access to public restrooms and public restrooms should be given to homeless people to improve their standard of living.
  3. Smoking should be banned in public places as the number of heart diseases and cancer is increasing among passive smokers.
  4. Vaccinations of diseases like measles, mumps, polio etc. should be compulsory for all the children in the United States to prevent and eradicate these deadly diseases.
  5. To decrease illegal organ harvesting activities and increase the provision of organs, there should be financial compensation for organ donors.
  6. Schools can play their part in decreasing cyberbullying by taking action against students involved in bullying activities, in school or online.
  7. Students cannot live their lives peacefully even after they are done with studies because of the crippling student debt.
  8. Teen celebrities cannot be considered as a role model, especially for children, because of their engagement in illegal activities.
  9. Decreasing work hours in offices will improve employees’ work efficiency by stabilizing the sleep pattern, and their mood as well.
  10. A wide range of experts has proved through empirical evidence that staying awake till late night manifests in severe mental and health conditions as anxiety, mental issues and insomnia.

A thesis statement must be written to reflect your views on the topic. It is essentially true in the case of topics that are debatable and the position should be clear from the very first line.

Do not use questions as your thesis statement. Each word in the statement must serve a purpose.

The thesis statement must grab the readers’ attention. Whether it is a technique or a controversial statement, make sure the reader gets the idea in a clear and detailed manner.

Here is a thesis statement example you can follow for writing your argumentative essay.

7.1 Thesis Statement Example (PDF)

8. Essay Writing Service

When it comes to experience, no one can beat a skilled student to write an outstanding thesis statement. Nevertheless, students are mostly caught up with other assignments due to excessive workload.

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