LinkedIn tips for creating an awesome profile

LinkedIn tips for creating an awesome profile

Having an eye-catching profile will make all the difference when networking across LinkedIn – perfect for when taking those first steps into your career.

Filling out your profile isn’t difficult, however there are important best practices to think about to really make you stand out and get noticed.

Here are our top-tips for getting started.

1. Your profile picture will say a lot about you

This picture will need to show that you are dependable and trustworthy. We say, avoid the Facebook type pictures – so stay clear of group shots or selfies, and think about a headshot that’s professional and pleasant.

Hollywood selfie

2. ‘Headline’ for success

This space is all about you. Focus on showcasing your skills and your experiences. Keep it short and to the point. Think about what you can offer and how you differ from other people.

Clueless Movie - thinking

Bonus Tip!: In your summary, include key words that professionals from your industry search for. Here’s 3 Stunningly Good LinkedIn Summaries for some inspiration

3. Personalise your profile URL

Did you know you can customise your profile link? It’s an easy edit that can be personalised to you and shared with your contacts. Remember this is a public link that is visible to everyone who views your profile.

4. Employment and qualifications

An obvious tip, but keep your employment history up to date and include all your qualifications you’ve earned. You can even include other certificates you were awarded outside of your industry, as this shapes your personality – just avoid the burger eating contest ones!

Gandalf the Grey

5. Join groups strategically

When looking to join groups or connect with individuals, think about how this relates to your industry and what valuable insights will you get from it. Will the group and the respected members help with building your profile and getting you recognised in the industry?

6. Grow your online network

With 380 million registered members in over 200 countries, there are so many influential people to connect with to grow your professional network. We suggest you start connecting with classmates and previous teachers first, then connect with people from your industr

Join groups statigically

Bonus Tip!: Consider the etiquette when connecting with other professionals. Avoid spamming people you want to connect with, instead send a friend request first and get their permission to email.

7. Get a friend, teacher or parent to review your profile and give feedback:

It’s always best to seek feedback on your profile to check grammar and spellings; using this as an opportunity to improve and create standout.

Now that you’ve created the ultimate LinkedIn profile, you are ready to connect and grow your professional network to land that dream job.

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