Logo Ideas for Writers

Logo Ideas for Writers

Today’s reader is becoming more and more demanding. And to aware the interest in buying/reading the book, you have to evoke a sense of anticipation of a great content.

How to Make Sure You Do Need a Logo

  1. If you’re a novice author and at the moment have nothing to present except one or two books, think twice before starting the process of logo design. Most likely, you’ll just waste time, money, and promotional efforts. Imagine the situation you have a splendid logo and a single book. The most successful outcome is that the potential buyer will be hooked by your logo and get interested in you as a writer. But what you can suggest him? Yes, that’s the one and only book that you have at the moment. Thus, your fan won’t bring you enough profit and, what’s much worse, may be disappointed in you.
  2. If you’re experienced, that is, have series of books, or you’re an expert in the field/related fields, or you have some other goods/services except books, or you just feel it’s time to position yourself as a brand, then, maybe, it’s worth trying. A high-quality branding will boost the interest of the public along with your credibility. In return, you have to meet the readers’ expectations.

Therefore, you have to decide on what’s better for you at this particular stage of the career – to promote the book or to push yourself as a brand.

The Best Logo Ideas That Can Come to Your Mind

I would have played a cunning trick if I said that the logos for writers are very diverse and the choice is unlimited. Actually, there’s no need to move away from the concept of book/pen/pencil on the logo. Of course, you can play with colors, shapes, background and other elements of the logo, but in order to connect the potential readers with your business, you have to show its distinctive features.

Depending on the genre, you can create appropriate associations, introducing the book to the reader even before he starts reading. For example, hats, glasses, and vessels suit mystery and some fantasy book while flowers, butterflies, and tears adjust the reader to romantics, etc.

Ultimately, put yourself in the reader’s place and ask yourself whether you would buy this book or, at least, got interested, just looking at the cover and the author’s logo and not knowing anything else. If “Yes,” then that logo, most likely, has the right to live.

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