Martin Davies Tips for Improving Philosophical Essays

Most of the times, students write essays to get the grade for a certain subject. Unfortunately, in this way, they do not perceive the main function of writing such tasks – learning. If you take each of your essays seriously, only then you will be able to progress in writing and your papers will improve more and more. For the necessary progress, you are required to stick to a simple schedule of writing:

  • Week 1 – doing a research and preparing the first draft;
  • Week 2 – additional research and resting time;
  •  Week 3 – revision of the first draft;
  • Week 4 – editing the final version of an essay.

Remember, the more you try and work, the more progress you will get soon. Here is what is recommended to do in order to achieve the necessary improvement.

Things to Avoid While Composing an Essay

Do not Address Your  Professor

Try to imagine that you are writing an essay not for the grade but for your own pleasure. In this way, your paper will look natural and will seem to be prepared for a big audience. Avoid composing your essays in a boring manner – try to write for yourself, not for the readers, whoever they are.

Do not Reproduce the Material

Again, do not try to impress a teacher. Repeating the information that has been mentioned during the lecture probably will earn you a grade but nothing more. Make your own research and perhaps you will find some counter-arguments to what have been said during the class and give some sound criticism with real proves of your words.

Do not Put  Everything off  till the  Last Minute

As it has been stated in the schedule, writing an essay is not a task of one day. There are a few vital notions that have to be checked before handing in an essay. Be sure that your writing is grammatically, punctually and syntactically literate.

Do not Work  Alone

Even though you feel solid about your knowledge and skills, it is always much better to have a friend who could check your writing with a fresh glance. Collaboration is a great thing, so use it as soon as you have a chance.

Do not Write Silently

By this subtitle you are not required to talk to yourself while writing – ask general questions to understand whether you are on a right way. Be demanding and strict – the more weak points you find, the less problems your teacher will find.

Do not Leave an Essay Unanalyzed

It does not really matter how many times you proofread your essay – every time there will be something that you will not like and that requires changes. The more times you check your paper, the better it will look at the end.

Do not Neglect the  Examples

The key point of any solid paper is proving your own words. Use demonstrative means to support the theoretical background. This way you will surely make your essay look more profound.

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