Mistakes To Avoid While Nursing Assignment Writing

Mistakes To Avoid While Nursing Assignment Writing


Nursing is an important profession in the health care sector. Students are given proper training both theoretical and practical in order to make them efficient in handling various critical situations related to different types of patients. During the Nursing course, students are required to write several assignments related to their area of specialisation. Writing a nursing assignment is not an easy task as it requires in-depth knowledge of the subject and also the student must be well acquainted with medicare jargon. A student must avoid the following mistakes while writing their nursing assignments:

  1. Poor formatting: this is a common mistake made by the students. They fail to stick to the prescribed format in terms of length of assignment, spacing, margins, citation style, font, size etc. Every assignment is given with the set of instructions related to formatting , students are expected to stick to it as formatting is strictly considered while grading the assignment.
  2. Plagiarism content: Since topics under nursing assignment are not easy and require a lot of hard work in terms of research, paraphrasing, citations, and references, etc. Sometimes writing assignment seems so difficult, students end up copying the content. The act of copying content with giving proper references of the sources, where the content has been copied, is called plagiarism. If during the assessment of your assignment your content is found out to be copied, your assignment will be rejected and you can lose your precious grades.
  3. Lapse in proofreading: poor proofreading can overshadow a brilliant assignment. Students often proofread their assignments in haste which leads to unattended grammatical, spelling, punctuation errors. Assignment full of errors always fails to make an impression and ends up getting low grades. After finishing your assignment invest proper amount of time in proofreading it.  Students must scrutinise every line Using improper words- while writing a nursing assignment a student must take proper care of language used in it. Nursing assignment not only requires formal and academic language but use of medical jargon is mandatory. Sometimes, students use day to day language and abbreviations in the assignments which cast a bad assignment properly to eliminate errors.
  4. Repetition of ideas:  while writing your nursing assignment you must not repeat the same words, phrases or medical terms over and over. Firstly, reader loses his interest due to repetition of words in the assignment. Secondly, it gives negative impression to the faculty. It important to use medical terms wisely and at appropriate places, and avoid repetitions.
  5. Frequent use of clichéd words: students must avoid the use of clichéd words as it can affect their grades greatly. Burdening the readers with unnecessary words can cause them lose interest in the assignment. Complex words may sound smart but you will lose interest of your readers’. 

Writing a nursing assignment can be difficult but if before mentioned mistakes are taken care of, it can make your assignment appear impressive and can help you score good grades.  Students use different types of techniques while writing assignments like the use of metaphors or similes, whereas their usage adds punch and vigor in your writing style, at the same time overuse of metaphors and similes can put off the mood of the reader and make arguments in your assignment look weak. Students need to be very careful while choosing words, ideas and format for their assignment as an error in these areas can cost them their grades.  And must give proper time for proofreading for error free assignment. 

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