New Deal Organizations

Hist. 132 Week 6 Activity ? New Deal Organizations

There were more than 43 New Deal organizations created by Pres. Roosevelt and his administration during the Depression era.We have only looked at a few of them in the Week 6 lecture.For this activity choose TWO organizations from the following list and answer these questions for each organization that you chose. When was the program created? When did the program end?(Or is it ongoing today?) If the program ended why was it ended? What was the purpose of the program? How successful was the program? New Deal Programs: Reconstruction Finance Corporation Home Owners Loan Corporation Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Federal Housing Administration National Youth Administration United States Maritime Commission Farm Security Administration Commodity Credit Corporation Farm Credit Administration Federal Emergency Relief Agency Federal Communications Commission United States Employment Service Indian Reorganization Act National Railroad Adjustment Board National Resources Board National Labor Relations Board Soil Conservation Service Railroad Retirement Board Rural Electrification Program United States Housing Authority Civil Aeronautics Authority Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Maritime Labor Board Bureau of the Budget Federal Works Agency

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