Personal and Global Factors That Influence Career Choice

Personal and Global Factors That Influence Career Choice

Personal and Global Factors That Influence Career Choice

Military, technology, commerce & E-Commerce, engineering, law, art, education, healthcare... This is not the full list of possible fields where successful graduates can work. Many young people wonder how in the world they can make such a responsible decision. No one wants a career he or she would hate. Some students are forced to work as the waiters in cheap cafes instead of being managers of large restaurant networks. But what makes them different from their peers? We believe that there are no stupid students. It’s just that often people have to make choices under pressure, and it results in very bad consequences.

This text is going to explain the basic factors one should consider while choosing a future career. And yes, be ready to make this decision during your high school period and BEFORE the college. Otherwise, you may feel sorry and hate your work for the rest of your life!

Factors That Impact Student’s Career Choice

Perhaps, the two most powerful factors that may influence student’s career choice are culture and family. Most of the students are forced to choose the specific major and work by their own parents. But their families do not have any idea how harmful this pressure can be for further career development.

Family’s Influences towards Career Choice

In other words, the relation between family’s interdependence, school, and community culture are the main social factors. Family members who work hard all day and night serve as the social role models for their children. Since their early ages, many kids tend to believe that only hard physical work can provide any family with the needed resources. However, a child growing in a poor or labor class family can become a rather rich person. Often, child’s own parents can be the main obstacle to making the dreams come true. Many parents think that their children cannot reach heights because they could not do it before.

By the way, if you have a strong conflict with your family regarding your future work, describe in your personal statement or let the professional writing service do it for you. Such stories usually work.

Social & Economic Reasons

Of course, social, political, and economic factors influence your career decisions. While business law plays a role in all developed countries, this major won’t make much sense in the countries of the third world where first aid from healthcare specialists is valued higher. You should gain the skills with respect to the needs of your country. Every student has tried to connect his or her work with the social and economic situation in the native country. If you are great in marketing and writing, think how your career may promote your country. It will help to raise new charity funds and save human lives. Right, career is not only about making money. It’s about helping people too.

Except for this wisdom, people have to consider such factors as:

  • transition to the workplace in various time frames
  • different expectations for career opportunities and their availability

College is a great way to test out what you want to do. It is the best period of life not only to decide where you want to work, but to put on the mask of this professional thanks to the numerous internships, part-time/seasonal jobs, and other available opportunities. The most important mission is to graduate. And don’t bind yourself to adult career expectations!

"Ideal Job"

It’s a myth. Sooner or later, you’ll have to sacrifice at least one of your principles at work. Even if you’re an expert in some area, the labor market still has its terms and conditions which you have to accept or deny just like you do when subscribing to any online shop and community.

Before making the final choice, one has to evaluate such work factors as:

  • Wages (unfortunately, financial issues remain at the top for ages)
  • Career opportunities (growth and self-development
  • Skills required (even if you lack just one crucial skill, it may turn a serious obstacle)
  • Family agreement (try to convince them in the importance of your work)
  • Education (are there any trainings involved?)
  • Social benefits

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