Please proof read below

Please proof read below

Please proof-read below passage and add 100 more words to it1) The noise of my speed skates against the hard asphalt greets my thoughts as I wake up each and every day. On the road, it is just me, my skates, and the wind. Every day, in front of my house my skates carry me to and fro for miles on end. What once was a summer recreational activity has since blossomed into a major part of my life and has defined me as a person and athlete. Once a young, scrawny, stereotypical Indian nerd, now I can be proud of the fact that skating has turned me into a disciplined, lean, and light athlete who is one of the top ranked skaters in the country. Out of that came my biggest passion and the sole basis for my athletic career. While training, there is something quite beautiful about being on the road. The rhythmic strokes of my skates against the ground, the feeling of the wind against my face, and the burning in my legs makes skating an almost ethereal experience for me. The simplicity of it all is truly beautiful; how a mode of transport could so quickly become the defining characteristic of my life. The time spent on skates is an experience few things can every hope to match, as time goes by my legs fill with the pain that only hard work can bring. The benefits of my labor: the experience, the pride, and the happiness are what I look forward to whenever I lace up my skates.Please proof-read below passage2) Having your ideas scrutinized and ripped apart is never an easy feeling. Often it makes your ideas and thoughts seem pointless. Imagine going through that ordeal eight different times; every essay that I have submitted has gone through this process at least twice. Hours and hours have been dedicated to revising my document and through that process I have realized that it is only my determination and dedication that has allowed me to continue through this tedious and repetitive process. I think that my dedication to anything I pursue will help me achieve my ideal occupation, a Cardio-Thoracic Surgeon. I’ve wanted to follow in my uncle’s and my grandfather’s footsteps for as long as I can remember, and the inner workings of the heart has always interested me. The determination that I have has already seen me through so much in my life, and I know that in order to be a successful surgeon I have to devote myself to practice my craft. The determination and dedication I’ve received through the tribulations in my life and through this tedious process are going to play an integral part throughout the rest of my education and also throughout the rest of my life, and I hope that as a surgeon I will be able to do right by my patients and become a practiced and successful cardio-thoracic surgeon.

report what their overall rating was and which areas posed the most issues for them.

This is due Wednesday September 11th at 5:00 pm. YES that is the RIGHT DATE even though your class meets on Mondays!!! This MUST be turned in as a SINGLE PDF file !!! So generate in WORD and save as a PDF. Or any other way you want to generate PDF. BUT ALL questions are to be answered on the same PDF and the PDF will be attached to your HW submission and in fact, the PDF IS you only homework submission. For in class activities you will use comments box but in the HW you will use only a single PDF attachment and NO comment box entries. Given that this is being provided early, it will be updated by August 29. But to give you a head start and allow you to ask questions in class about the process, the first questions are provided here.FIRST READ CHAPTER 1 of your textQuestion 1: Go to Pick a state. Look at its infrastructure report card . report what their overall rating was and which areas posed the most issues for them. Look back at previous report cards to see if that area has improved or worsened. Comment on why you think this state has had an issue with this particular area of infrastructure. You must provide a total of 3-5 senetces answering this question. Question 2: Pick a particular area of infrastructure (i.e. schools or bridges). at the national level. What was the grade? Describe several of the specific issues that are causing that infrastructure to under perform be very specific. Provide about 1/5-1/4 page repsonse to this questionQuestion 3: Go to Look up your major (note some you have to search for using the site search tool). Click on that majorIf it does not have your major pick the closest and explain why how you made that choice. What is the expected growth rate in that field and how does in compare to engineering/architecture fields overall. Why do you believe the growth rate is average (same as overall) or better or worse? Provide a 3-5 sentence response. Question 4: Once you have selected your major (or a substitute), read the full set of info on the site about that degree field and discuss ONE interesting fact that you did not know about that field before you read this website. Provide a three to five sentence response.

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