Among the poorest regions in the world, we can name a few that are truly on the brink of a crisis, due to their economic and political state. Other regions are underdeveloped and mostly found in sub-Saharan Africa, where people are not provided with decent working conditions and suffer from chronical diseases…

  1. Madagascar. One of the largest islands in the world, Madagascar remains one of the poorest as well. According to the recent statistics, an average citizen lives on less than one dollar a day, and the state’s economy is in a serious decay. Half a century ago, things were much brighter for people in Madagascar, as they didn’t depend that much on weather and agricultural issues.

Now, the largest part of the economy is exposed to natural conditions and whimsies. Tourism is another issue that needs to be attended to, for this matter, but the country’s government hopes that Madagascar’s unique biosphere will still attract adventure-seekers to the place. On that note, many predict a collapse in case the country ceases mining for precious metals. If we were government, we wouldn’t be putting all our eggs in the tourist basket, that’s for sure. As the recent report on the country shows, Madagascar lacks economic stability and growth.

  1. Mozambique. Once a Portuguese colony, this country suffers from an enduring economic stagnation since the government’s debt was discovered. Mozambique could be high and proud about the gas fields that were found on the coast in 2011, but the disclosed payment pending could put an end to these far-fetched plans. When IMF were informed about the situation, they decided to put the country on hold and see if the government is living up to its promises.

Current situation does not throw light on financial aid support, however, as it is clear that Mozambique won’t be able to pay off the debt by 2018. Urgent committees negotiate the payment methods at the moment, but it would all be useless if it turned out that the country’s economy ceased to expand. It is a scenario that is expected by the IMF chiefs, though, as most people live below the poverty line. Unstable climate and weather-related issues make the promise of a rapid change all the more impossible.

  1. Malawi is one the smallest countries in Africa, and its economy largely depends on water-fed crops, which means there will be no gain without rain for farmers, living in the rural areas. Although the democratic government was elected and the political perspectives remain bright, we cannot predict immediate improvement due to the adverse climate conditions and fiscal failures that have been going on for ages.

Malawi’s agricultural politics are aimed to help people, inhabiting urban areas, and small villages remain unnoticed as the time goes. Moreover, pests and disease continue to terrorize the lands that need to be protected from the natural disasters. Country’s officials might have improved the general state of affairs in the cities, but as you get away from the polluted center and explore Mozambique’s vast lands, more issues arise.Read also: Education in Canada

  1. Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). DRC is the second poorest country in the world, and the recent election campaign was postponed by the current president of the country. Kabila, who was elected after his father’s assassination in 2001, already had trouble with the voting process in 2011, when he refused to let observers into the country. Now, he caused controversy among the population and the democratic forces by purposely putting off the campaign that was planned for April 2017.

The inflation is still high, and the World Bank informed the IMF there should be corruption policies put into operation as soon as possible. This, together with the general economic decline, has put DRC on an unenviable pedestal of the sub-Saharan state, which still needs improvement. Depending on Kabila’s actions regarding the presidential campaign, the government is planning to reduce prices on rain-fed crops and copper, and carry out social reforms to support the nation in the upcoming civil conflicts.

  1. Central African Republic (CAR). When the country got independence from France in 1960, there was no chance democracy would be established there soon. According to the UN reports, however, CAR has finally held a democratic election, supporting a candidate that seems perfect for the position, a former math teacher and politician Faustin-Archange Touadera.

Touadera’s popularity, though, does not depend on political achievements alone, as he promised to lift the ban on diamond mining as soon as he was elected by the citizens of the Central African Republic. Sadly, up until now, with precious metal resources and diamond mines, CAR remains the poorest country in the world. As we know, most people live below the poverty line and suffer from climatic conditions and diseases, caused by pests, on a regular basis.

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