Presenting a Best Management Dissertation

Presenting a Best Management Dissertation


Writing a research work is quiet enjoyable as well as a valuable part in a post graduate management student’s life. A good manager must hold good writing skills besides having managerial skills. Recently, one of the most important and arguably the scariest is writing a research work or dissertation, an assignment which inspires dread and threatening in many management students. One reason is lack of time and another is lack of valuable guidance.

Tips to writing a good dissertation

Intend your idea on the research work which means topic of the research work as soon as possible. As this will make the student to sketch out the research plan and research design with extensive key factors for review of literature, procedures for methodology and data analysis and discussion as well as conclusion easily. Using these keywords about 10 or 15, you can easily search literature in any online libraries quiet easily instead of searching by the title or topic of the research work you are about to do. Unlike traditional research, recently many number of software are available which can assist the research of graduate students and scholars for better survey. Use a reference manager program like Reference works or Endnote. Also equip yourself to cite it based upon the styles such as APA, MPN, Harvard, and Chicago etc.

Never diverge or get distracted from the research plan, since Graduate students, like many school kids, are seriously over scheduled. Along with their coursework and research responsibilities, many students work full- or part-time workers in outside institutes and have other responsibilities that cost away their attention and pulls away from research. Because of these distractions, ruling time to work on a research work or dissertation can be a great deal of confront. You can schedule a writing time for each week and sit accordingly as it will alleviate last minute gushes in submitting the thesis. For example, set a target of writing your introduction or writing chapter one within few word limit in a weeks or 4 or 5 days time. It’s significant to have tangible goals on a weekly and even daily basis. Also, set up a daily writing time, maybe an hour or two hours a day, where you sit down and do something related to your dissertation. Always stay calm and relaxed before and also while you are working for a dissertation to avoid distraction.

Distractions from Hike messengers, Facebook and new movie releases are everywhere around the world. The push and pull factor to convey a few tweets or watching out the latest videos on YouTube can turn what was made-up to be day of writing into hours of wasted time. Therefore, it’s essential to find the appropriate location or place to work on your research work or dissertation.

Always draft every small segment of dissertation and get approval from your tutor. It may help you to avoid bias or deviated project work and if it has happened it can be found early and shifted accordingly, without spending lot of time on correcting. In regard to the quantification of data, at least take time to perform 3 different sets of data, to achieve correct result

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