Principles of Employment Law and industrial relations

Principles of Employment Law and industrial relations

The take-home examination will consist of both problem and essay questions. The
word limit on the take-home examination will be 6,000 words.The Problem Question/s
There will be one or more compulsory problem questions, worth 50% of the take-home
exam. You will be assessed on your ability to provide a concise and accurate
evaluation of the question. In your answer you should demonstrate your understanding
of the law and the legal issues involved by applying the law to the facts of the
hypothetical. You should identify all the important and relevant legal issues in the
problem and analyse all the important alternative arguments that are of relevance to the question. You should indicate clearly your conclusions.he

Essay Questions
You will be required to answer two essay questions, from a choice of five questions
on the take-home exam. Each essay will be worth 25% of the total of the exam. You
will need to show that you have done all of the required reading for the subject. The
essays focus on your ability to reflect on the subject, and to evaluate critically the
material in the subject. You will be expected to have an understanding of the major
policy issues and themes in the subject. Avoid purely descriptive essays, and make
sure that you put an argument, canvass possible alternative views, and justify your
conclusions, rather than merely regurgitate the prescribed reading and your class
notes. All the questions call for an argument in response.
accurate citation, using the latest edition of the Australian Guide to Legal Citation

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