Procedural Programming

Procedural Programming? Students Guide To Procedural Programming Basics

When somebody hears the phrase “Procedural programming” for the first time, he must wonder what it actually is. Well, it is basically a programming model derived from structured programming depending upon procedure call concepts. Wondering what procedures are? In simple words they are functions.

They may also be called routines or subroutines. Procedures are consisted upon various procedural steps which are supposed to be taken one by one. While a program is being executed, one or more procedures may be recalled whenever needed. It usually occurs when a problem cannot be solved easily.

Procedural Programming Uses Top-to-Down Strategy

Procedural Programming uses a top-to-down strategy to solve a problem. For example, if a problem is detected, it will be solved by reviewing a code from top to the bottom. It usually happens when a problem occurs with the start of a program and then the problem is broken down into more problems in smaller sections. Some developers might find it even a more complex process due to its lengthy process; it is still considered a more reliable approach.

Procedural Programming Diverse Concept

If a developer is designing an app, he would adopt a quite diverse approach when involving procedural programming. Now there is a difference between a developer with procedural programming and another developer with object oriented programming. Someone with PP would plan without reusable code while the other with OOP would plan with usable classes. However, it does not mean that planning is not given much importance in pro programming. It is given importance but a different approach is adopted. Two other programming paradigms:

Imperative programming: Sometimes, the procedural and imperative programming terms may be used as synonymous because pro language is also considered imperative. However, the pro heavily depends upon scope and blocks.

Object-oriented programming: Mainly in procedural programming, a task is broken down into bunch of subroutines, data structures and variables. On contrary, in an object oriented process, a task is broken down into various objects which dissipate behavior.

Story-Like Format than a Kind of Diagram

In a PP process, a developer chooses a story-like format to plan applications instead of choosing something like diagram. For instant, a developer is given a task to create a grade system. Now what he would do if using procedural programming? Well, he will do it in steps:

Registration: Create a registration form. Here the users would come to access the resources but they will have to get themselves registered first.

Verification: Once user information is received by the registration form. It will be verified through an appropriate method which will be already stored in site database.

Status: On submission of the information by the user, he would be verified though a confirmation code which will be forwarded to the user so he can know his current position.

This three-step process will be made by placing codes directly in app where these codes will be used for registration process. The coding would simply be limited to this step only.

Later there will be other type of process like log in or log out and both of these are two different processes which will be completed through separate coding process.

Why Developers May Prefer Procedural Programming? – Advantages of Procedural Programming

When a designing process is being done through procedural programming, the designer will require a well thought analysis and plan for process before placing or writing codes. For most developers, procedural programming is a preferable option because in this way, they don’t have to wait as they can start writing code directly and quickly. However, if there is a need to make some changes in codes in future, this will be a time taking process.FacebookTwittergoogle_plusShare

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