During the last several months of my first year of college, I was struggling to figure out what to do during my vacations. The main problem was that it is really difficult to find a job when you are a college student. When I found one, it was just for one month, leaving me much free time. However, soon I realized that it was a great chance to do things for which I lacked time while studying. Here are several things you can do to spend your summer productively.


Decorating your garden or growing up plants is really very fun and rewarding. You can purchase a plot and fill it with flowers or cactuses. Very soon, you will see how beautiful the completed product can be.

Take a Class

It should not be something that counts for school credits, but a class that you have wanted to learn for a long time. Find an interesting class in your area. It might be a dancing class, yoga or drawing, fencing or anything that you would like to try.


I know that students always have many reading assignments at school, but it is not the same as reading for pleasure. Choose the book in the library or ask your friend to lend you one. Hours spend with book are hours well spent.


Writing is another thing that students do the whole study year round. But they write so many academic essays that they forget how fun writing can be. Try writing some short stories for pleasure or start keeping a diary and you will be surprised with how fun creative writing can be.

Get Fit

I know keeping your body in a good shape is difficult when you are having a tense school year. But summer is the perfect time to get fit and do regular workout. Set a goal, like attending the gym several times a week, swimming four days a week, running every morning or having bike tours at least two times a week.


You do not necessarily need to get paid for something to get a great experience and some fun. Find something that relates to your interests and try!

Learn to Play a Musical Instrument

Choose the one that you like and use your free time to learn playing it! Depending on the instrument you choose, you can even teach yourself with the help of YouTube videos and other online tutorials.


No matter where you are going to spend this summer, there are probably places in your location that you have not seen yet. Go for a bike ride, for a hike or simply for a walk with friends to an area that you are unfamiliar with. You may go even further and take a road trip. Visiting new places and meeting new people is always a great way to spend time.

Keep in mind that if your summer is spent without a traditional job or internship, it does not mean it is wasted! You still have multiple opportunities to grow in your free time.

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