
Each student must write a proposal for a study on a topic related to human geography. Write for either an academic or a popular audience. Each proposal must propose at least two different field methods learned during the term. Proposals should be between 1500-2500 words – approximately 3-5 pages (l inch margins, 12 pt. font, single-spaced).

The proposal should be in essay format and consist of the following elements:


What you propose to study and how it relates to the bigger picture. Include a few references to the literature that relates to your topic. (3-4 paragraphs)

Research Questions: What are your research questions? What are you trying to find out? (One paragraph)
Reinventing the restaurant business in Portland
Food and beverage industry across the world has been evolving over the period of time. This requires the business industry in Portland to reinvent itself according to the latest trends in the international market in order to attract more customers and to revitalize itself in a progressive manner. Food and beverage industry in Portland has become extensively competitive over past years introducing new perspectives, consumer trends, trade relationships and various supply and logistics issues. This requires the business industry to design new and inventive ideas into the business industry in order to generate better options for the increasing number of foreigners in Portland. This also requires the business professionals in food and beverage industry to specialize in the growing field of restaurants in Portland and restaurant management in order to determine positive results in the longer run.
Research questions
• Does restaurant industry in Portland promise any positive opportunities to the future of business industry?
• Are there any inventions in the restaurant industry in Portland as required by the food and beverage industry?
• Does reinventing the reinventing the restaurant industry in Portland promise attracting larger number of consumers in future?
In order to conduct this research, qualitative research strategy would be adopted. The study would be focused on the descriptive and the evaluative approach. The variables of the study are measured through the qualitative approach to be assessed as accurately as possible. The study design is not experimental and the variables in the study cannot be manipulated, rather they are observed through a usual framework. The data collected would be expressive as it would describe the purpose of the study and the purpose of the purpose of the variables more effectively. The research would be conducted by consulting previously conducted studies and by conducting the survey of the restaurants in Portland.

Methodologies: Explain the methods you will use to conduct your research? Why are these methodologies the best suited to your project? How long will it take to complete the study? If you are using interviews or surveys, include a copy of your questions. Be as specific as you can in this section (3-5 paragraphs).

How much time will it take to conduct this research? (1 paragraph)

What do you need to conduct this research (hardware, software, other costs)? (1 paragraph)

Bibliography: A list of sources you have complied for your project. Please list alphabetically by author’s last name. Use whichever citation format you like, just be consistent.

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