Psychological Tricks to Study Better

Psychological Tricks to Study Better

Psychological Tricks to Study Better

Who does not enjoy getting an A for an important exam? There are no such students. Unfortunately, this goal is not easy to reach. Some refuse of even giving it a try because they are afraid of the amount of time they will need to spend on studying. However, there are psychological tricks that can speed up this process and even make it more productive. 

Uneven distribution of time

Uneven distribution of time

It might be one of the biggest mistakes students make. They start panicking right before the deadline and spend sleepless nights trying to memorize the information and write all the writings as fast as they can. Obviously, this approach does not lead to anything positive. Your brain needs to absorb and process the information gradually. Organize regular studying sessions and stop thinking that the powers of your brain are limitless or simply use our original essays for sale and research paper writing service.

I know that I know nothing

I know that I know nothing

We are not going to discuss the role Socrates played in the development of philosophy. Instead, we suggest you use an effective way of testing how good you’ve understood the information you’ve received. The easiest way to do it is to try to explain it to someone (or to yourself). Close the textbook and try to recreate the contents of the chapter you’ve just read. Imagine that there is a toddler standing in front of you and you need to tell her what the chapter was about by using simple phrases. If you fail to do so, open the textbook and start reading again.

To be or not to be?

To be or not to be?

Our lives consist of the multiple decisions we make. Every day we ask ourselves multiple questions like ‘Do I want to eat that burger or that veggie stew?’ or ‘Do I take a bus or walk there?’. If questions play such an important role, why not use them during the process of studying? Often students struggle to memorize the material from textbooks because they do not fully understand it. To make the task easier, ask yourself questions as you read. You will notice that there is no sense in learning the material by heart if you can explain it with your own words.

I can’t take this anymore

I can't take this anymore

And we get it. If you read the same textbook for a long period of time trying to absorb as much information as you can, the results will be disappointing. Your attention span has its limits and eventually, you get bored and do not remember the most of the material. To avoid that, we suggest you mix the activities. If you do not have time to do something except studying because the schedule is too busy, just switch to another subject. If you have been reading a history textbook, start reading the one on marketing. You will see that it is a more effective method as it’s been tested by psychologist Robert Bjork, Ph.D. and proved to be so.

All over again

All over again

The best way to get prepared for an important exam is to give yourself some time to go through the main points right before the test. Note down the important points you’ve studied. Go through them and make sure you remember the key facts. Doing so, you are giving your brain the opportunity to organize the information. On the day of the exam, the fact you need will quickly emerge in your brain telling you the right answer.

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