Questions Your Interviewer Wants to Hear

Questions Your Interviewer Wants to Hear

college interview

College interviews provide institutions with an opportunity to give the student more information they need to know about the school and answer any questions or clarifications. More than anything, the college interview provides the board a chance to get to know you better beyond those papers you’ve submitted. Few colleges require interviews, but a fair number offer optional or recommend that you attend one. This is usually made by private colleges, as public universities have too many applicants. To determine whether the interviewing process is offered, check the college’s website or contact the admissions office. Interviews are usually conducted on-campus, where your interviewers will be an admissions officer. 

If you’re faced with the option of being interviewed, take the chance. This will work to your benefit, as it shows the school of your genuine interest in becoming part of them. Try not to stress too much about it, however. While preparing for an interview questions and answers can seem too much, as long as you’re polite and attentive, it should increase your chances of being accepted. This guide provides you with more details on that college interview prep. If you’re looking for common interview questions and answers for freshers, you’re in the right place. Read on to find out more.

How To Prepare For A College Interview

Wondering what to expect in an interview? Before anything else, you must do a thorough research on the school. Focus on identifying why the school is a perfect fit for you and your interests. You must have already done a ton of research before applying, but digging a little deeper won’t hurt. Your research needs to be specific to your college interview, such as the actual program, facilities, and professors. At some point during your interview, you’ll be asked interview questions like why you wish to attend the school. Your research should help you come up with detailed interview answers – make sure to utilize the school’s website, social media, and guidebook.

college interview tips

Asking your interviewers a question is also a good way to make an impression. Prepare interview question and answers based on what you’ve gathered from research. And besides asking, learn how to how to answer common interview questions. If you wish to get a detailed list of these types of questions, it will be provided for in this text.

Keep in mind to be honest and thoughtful. You will want to come off as conversational, and not create the impression that you’re merely reciting a prepared monologue. Remember that asking questions during your interview is highly recommended.  Prepare well for your college interview - on the actual day of your interview, make sure to arrive early and dress professionally.Need help with your term paper or essay?



What Do Interviewers Want To Hear?

You can never tell what an interviewer may be thinking, and making assumptions based on facial expressions and certain gestures won’t do you any good. There are, however, some positive words that will increase your chances of being likable. Your interview Q&A will be tough, but these words will signify interest, depth, and sincerity. It won’t matter how many questions will be asked, and how many questions you can answer - as long as you’re able to answer well, you’ll be fine.

  • “I've experienced success with that in the past.”

This one phrase is foolproof. Beyond relevant experience and a show of character, colleges love to hear that you have the skills and attitude they wish to hone. This statement will only get you so far, so make sure to back them up with actual examples which show you excelling. This is more than just hard skills – they could be resolving conflict, finding solutions, working independently, or meeting deadlines.

  • “I’m really excited about that opportunity.”

The admissions board interviews quite a lot of students, and if you’re up against someone with the same skills and experiences, what will be the deciding factor? For many colleges, enthusiasm will steal the show. It will show how motivated you are, but make sure to back it up with extensive research. The only way to show them that you’re truly excited for the opportunity to be part of the school is to show them how much you already know about them.

  • “I actually just spoke with _____ to learn more about that.”

The truth is, you will not have everything the school is looking for, and that’s okay. What do interviewers want to hear? Show them how willing you are to learn, as the academic institution will appreciate this. Moreover, show them that you’re already learning.

How To Answer Common College Interview Questions

The list below are some of the most used interview questions of all time, not just in the academe but also for job-searching. These have been gathered from multiple admissions websites and referenced from interview advice guides. These interview questions are general, so you will be able to answer a number of these common interview questions by preparing well enough ahead of time. This also includes the answers to common interview questions. Without further ado, here are common interview questions with answers:

  • “Tell me about yourself.”

This is technically not even actually a question, but it’s something that you will be asked first. While it may seem simple enough, typical interview questions and answers are tricky to deal with. Because it’s too broad and general, you will have trouble figuring out where to begin. Your interviewer questions you about this solely because he or she wants to know more about you. To answer this, paint a unique picture of who you are to make you stand out. Avoid clichés and common descriptions.

  • “Why are you interested in this institution?”

This is one of those general college interview questions that you truly need to prepare for. You need to show that you are taking the application process seriously, and are determined to attend the school. Talk about your interest in the program you wish to be part of, the school’s values, and any extracurricular activities you desire to partake in. Remember: be specific.

  • “Why do you want to major in _____?”

If you've specified which major you wish to focus on, you will be asked why you’re interested in that. Basic interview questions like this lets colleges know more about your academic goals, and how academically inclined you are. To answer this, talk about how passionate you are about that subject. Do not ever use money and security to justify why you wish to pursue your major – this will make you seem shallow and of questionable character.

  • “What are your strengths?”

As part of their effort to get to know you as a student, most interviewers will ask this, which is part of the most common interview questions and answers. They are interested to hear your perspective on where and why you want to excel academically. This is one of those important interview questions, so don’t make your answer short. Discuss how you’ve capitalized on your strengths.

  • “What are your weaknesses, and how did you address them?”

Although part of those typical interview questions, colleges rely on this because they want to admit good students. Of course, they’re aware that everyone has their weaknesses.  Despite this fact, they want to see your persistence and work ethic that helps you succeed despite. Rather than stating facts, tell them about strategies and approaches you’ve taken to improve those weaknesses. 

  •  “What do you plan to contribute to this school?”

Of course, colleges want to take a chance on students who will be most likely to make contributions to the campus. To answer this, don’t limit yourself to vague positive traits. Is there a leadership position you want to pursue? A community service you wish to contribute to?

List Of The Best College Interview Questions And Answers 

college interview questions

Why should you ask questions during your interview? Preparing questions for your interviewer will show your interest in the school, and how much you genuinely care for the application and selection process. It will also demonstrate your engagement and how you’ve been actively listening to the interviewer. Your interview preparation questions should demonstrate intelligence, thought, and signify that you’ve done your part through research. The text below provides you with three major types of questions to ask, further broken down to great interview questions.

Good interview questions that are research-based:

There are plenty of good research-based questions to add to your list, but make sure to keep them focused. Here are some of hypothetical examples of these kind of questions:

  • “I would love to be part of the opportunities you offer for students to study in Europe, but I’m wondering if I’ll be able to do so if I’m on the football team. Are there student-athletes who are given the chance to study abroad despite the time commitments they need to make for the sport?”
  • “I’m very interested in the internship program you are offering for communication students.  May I know more about it and its benefits for future career paths?”

Best interview questions that are personal

These are popular interview questions that you ask to have a glimpse of the interviewer’s perspective or opinion. Your interviewer will likely to want to provide some guidance, and many people take delight in talking about themselves – use this to your advantage.

  • As an incoming freshman, what advice do you have for me?”
  • “As an incoming freshman, what would you have liked to have known?”
  • “I read about this school tradition. What’s it like?”

Questions for an interview showing that you’ve been listening

Interview prep questions for this part is hard, as it will depend on your entire interview. Be quick on your toes and don’t forego this, as this will show that you’re engaged and interested. 

Interviews are always difficult and nerve-wracking, and it’s almost impossible to prepare for them. You’re bound to stumble one way or another, but preparing beforehand will stifle these bumps on the road. As long as you’ve researched and prepared enough, you’re all set!


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