reasons to choose an Undergraduate Degree with International Foundation

5 reasons to choose an Undergraduate Degree with International Foundation

Put simply, it’s a single study programme that combines an International Foundation year with a complete undergraduate degree. At INTO University of Gloucestershire, it’s a popular choice.

So, why choose this programme at the University of Gloucestershire? Nima from St Kitts and Nevis and Mohammed from Algeria are both studying an Undergraduate Degree with International Foundation in Business Management. Here they talk us through some of the reasons why they chose the programme…

Nima and Mohammed in the INTO University of Gloucestershire study centre

1. Single programme = single visa

As it’s a single programme, you’ll only need to apply for one visa which will see you through all four years (or five, if your degree includes a placement year) of study.

“The Undergraduate Degree with International Foundation meant that I could apply for a 4-year visa and progress to the same University with hopefully no problems. I didn’t want to have to move Universities after my Foundation course, or have to worry about renewing my visa, so this choice made it easy for me!” – Nima

“The Undergraduate Degree with International Foundation meant that I could apply for a 4-year visa which has saved me time and money.” – Mohammed

2. Variety of choice

There’s a choice of 18 different degrees, so whether you’re interested in Accounting or Animation; Management or Media, there’s an option for you.

“A friend recommended the University of Gloucestershire to me as a great place to study. The University offers lots of courses but it was Business that I really wanted to do. I really enjoy my classes.” – Nima

3. Focused preparation

The first year of the programme allows you to settle into UK university life, improve your English skills and begin to develop your understanding of key academic subjects.

By your second year, you’re fully prepared to focus on your degree.

“I have learnt presentation skills and have been involved in lots of group work. I have also made progress with my writing, listening, speaking and reading skills. This will help me a lot for my degree.” – Mohammed

“I have learnt many skills such as writing assignments, presentations, referencing and research which is really helping me to prepare for next year!” – Nima

4. Expert support

INTO University of Gloucestershire has a friendly and supportive community, where the teachers and staff are experienced in helping international students to reach their potential.

The INTO teachers really support us and help us with our studying and we are excited to get good marks!” Nima

5. Campus beauty

For your first year, you’ll be based at the University of Gloucestershire’s Park Campus in Cheltenham.

There’s a vibrant student community, and it’s a beautiful and inspiring place to study.

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