
Self-employment for part time writing jobs from home


There can be many reasons why someone would want to do part time writing jobs from home. Sometimes stay-at-home mothers or fathers want some work to fill their time, or to make some extra cash. Sometimes people’s health problems do not permit them to leave the house, and part time work is more ideal. Sometimes writers prefer working at home instead of an office environment. The good news is that there are countless opportunities for writers to work at home part time. Another piece of positivity is that part time work can at times make as much as a full time job, given that the writer is efficient and steadfast.

Below, I will outline some of the main job opportunities that are afforded for part time work for writers. Subsequently, I will discuss how to enter into the part time writing market.

Technical Writer

If one wants to speak about lucrative positions for part time writing jobs at home, being a technical writer is definitely one of them. Technical writing focuses on composing texts that deal with IT, science, mathematics, engineering, and other technical fields. The type of documents you would write would be guidebooks, handbooks, policy information, company wikis, security information, and so on.

If you are an IT technical writer, working remotely from home is a viable option. Many IT companies have a lackadaisical attitude towards work environments and attire. Therefore, many job boards will present the option to work remotely from home when it comes to technical positions within the field of IT.

To be a technical writer is no small feat. It requires at least having a BA degree (though preferably an MA degree) in a writing related subject, plenty of experience in technical writing (either from official companies or internship work), an ample amount of work samples, and knowledge in technical subjects (especially the one you are applying within). But, this does come with benefits: technical writers make on average $60,000 to $90,000 annually. This is more than most writing jobs.


Copywriters write what is called “copy,” or text that goes on websites, marketing materials, advertising documents, and other materials for companies. “Copy” can also be found in the usage of the newspaper business. This type of writer is in high demand, as each company and media outlet has to produce content often, if not daily, to reach an audience and ultimately customers.

Copywriting is one of those part time writing jobs from home that is more creative. Unlike technical writers, copywriters write for engaging an audience. An example would be writing content for social media accounts, for websites, and for brochures. This position is a balance of being creative and effective in one’s language.

Though copywriters do not bring in as much cash as technical writers on average, they still earn a decent-to-above-average salary. Some copywriters refuse to do technical writing, even though it makes more money, because of the “boring” content. It is a matter of preference, however. But what is not a matter of choosing is what is required of a copywriter. You need to have at least a BA in a writing-related subject, having plenty of writing samples, and enough writing experience to prove you can do the work that the employee is offering you.

Content Strategist

Though the role of content strategist varies from company to company, according to the Digital Marketing Institute, a content strategist commonly completes these functions:

 – Creating specifications and appropriate content for the brand’s designated audience
– Strategizing and improving content delivery and promotion
– Championing content marketing strategy across the company
– Setting guidelines for the tone, style and voice of all brand content
– Setting editorial strategy so content is consistent and compelling across all delivery streams
– Measuring and analyzing what’s working and what isn’t with regard to the brand’s content marketing efforts (Digital Marketing Institute)

As you can see, a content strategist looks at the efficiency of what is being written, schedules content accordingly, and leads a team of writers and editors in producing quality content for a specific audience.

In order to become a content strategist, you should have an extended experience in writing, editing, and management. Having an MA degree is preferred, and so is having a large sample of previous work samples. Though the competition is tough for this position, once you land this job, your career will lift off. In terms of part time writing jobs from home, this is one of the most prestigious ones and looks excellent on your resume.

Proposal Writer

There are many types of proposal writers. There are proposals written for startups to propose a business idea, proposals written to garner money for the completion of a concept or the benefit of an organization, proposals for business partnerships, proposals for entertainment projects, and so on. According to Snagajob, “A proposal writer works in many different industries to create clear, succinct documents that suggest a course of action or idea. In all areas, proposal writers are able to write well. Spelling, grammar, and context all count, and the ability to say a lot with only a few words is a huge asset. Proposal writers often write under tight deadlines and are organized and prepared” (Proposal Writer Job Description).

In terms of the educational requirements for this job, a BA in “English, public relations, marketing, economics, or similar” is preferred (Proposal Writer Job Description). Also, you should have a good deal of creativity, writing skills, time management skills, and organizational skills. And once again, it is helpful to have a sizable portfolio of work samples for employers to gaze at.

The average annual income for a proposal writer, based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is $52,750, or $25.36 an hour (Proposal Writer Job Description). So, it makes about as much as a copywriter does. If you are good at selling a point, and writing in a convincing manner, this might be a better job for you than a copywriter. But as you know, there are many types of part time writing jobs at home that can earn just as much.

The Process of Becoming a Part Time Remote Writer

We first should determine why someone would want to be a part time worker as compared to a full time worker. As previously stated, sometimes conditions do not allow a person to work a full time job, and sometimes people work better within a shorter timeframe or as effective working part time as working full time. Working 20 hours a week does sound better than 40 hours or more a week, right? But when we choose to work within this schedule, we must ensure we are more effective and that we pace our work better than usual.


There are famous books such as “The 4-hour Work Week” and others that claim you only need to work a miniscule amount of hours to achieve success. In my opinion, this is complete hogwash. You need to work at least 20 hours a week to see results, unless all your money is being made through passive income, or money received from previously finished projects (much like royalties).

Finding part time writing jobs from home is different as well. Working remotely implies having a workstation at home that is comfortable and conducive for work. The environment you have at home may not always be ideal, especially if you have children and pets. However, you can also find one room that is the quietest, and also designate a place to work and claim that place as a work-only location. Your family should understand your conditions and requirements for earning your income.

You should also determine if you are cut out for working alone without the supervision of someone leading you by the hand, or being without a physical team. Some people thrive in communal environments when it comes to work, while others thrive when they are in a solitary environment. You should understand if you are one or the other, or a balance of both. Some people become freelancers, and then after a month or so, find out that they are not fond of being away from a physical team and being absent from administrative guidance in person. According to FlexJobs founder Sara Sutton Fell, “Working from home does take a particular set of skills, such as the ability to self-manage, stay focused, work independently, and often, alone. People who work from home need to have the mindset that they are ‘going to work’ every day, following a routine so that they can easily settle into work mode during work hours” (US News & World Report). If you believe you cannot fulfill these requirements, it is best not to follow the steps into work-at-home world.

If you have determined you are right for part time writing jobs at home, then the next step is to create a viable portfolio of your work samples, compose a specialized resume for this work, and start applying to as many part time gigs and opportunities as you can on freelance writing websites such as Freelancer, Upwork, and Craigslist. You should also evaluate what you want your rate to be, depending on your skill level and education. The rest is up to luck, hard work, and discipline. Best wishes to you on this journey.


“What Skills Do I Need to Be a Content Strategist?” Digital Marketing Institute,

“Proposal Writer Job Description.” Snagajob,

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