Small-Business Opportunities with the Navy Custom Essay

Small-Business Opportunities with the Navy Custom Essay

Imagine that you are the owner of a small floor refinishing business that provides a specialty coating product for ceramic tile and marble floors. There is no other local flooring business that provides this service. Having recently received a patent on your product, you are ready to expand your business by competing for Navy contracts at the local base, which is located a few miles away. The service you want to sell is the specialty coating, the application of the coating, and a regular maintenance schedule. Your company consists of you, one office assistant, and two production employees.

Assignment 2: Bidding on a Contract with the Navy
Due Week 4 and worth 150 points

Based on the same scenario as in Assignment 1, imagine that you have received a Request for Proposal (RFP) #123456789, dated 07/14/2014. You also find out through a reliable source that a local competitor has also received an RFP for a similar type of product and service. Due to this, you will be required to negotiate the contract, and will need to consider the contract specifics.

Assignment 3: Acquiring a Contract with the Navy

Based on the same scenario as in Assignments 1 and 2, you are ready to begin considering the factors needed for your proposal based on RFP #123456789, dated 07/14/2014. Remember that another local competitor intends to submit a proposal as well.

Before beginning this assignment, review FAR Subpart 19.5—Set-Asides for Small Business, located at

Additional factors to consider are:
1. Both your company and your competitor’s company will qualify under the HUBZone Act
(FAR 19.5).

2. Based upon the scope of work required, your initial estimates for the contract will exceed $150,000. Therefore, you are willing to offer incentives to the Navy.

3. Your competitor intends to submit a proposal for a one (1) year contract.

Write a six (6) page paper in which you:

1. Examine two (2) reasons why your business would qualify under the basic concepts of the HUBZone Set-Aside Procedures. Provide a rationale for your response.

2. Analyze the primary way(s) in which a multiyear contract would benefit both the Navy and your business.

3. Determine whether your bid proposal should be based on a fixed-price, a cost-reimbursement, or a time-and-materials type of contract. Provide a rationale for your response.

4. Determine the category of incentives that you are willing to offer (i.e., cost, schedule, or performance). Provide a rationale for your response.

5. Determine whether your bid proposal should be a technical, management, or cost proposal. Provide a rationale for your response.

6. Speculate on five (5) potential risk factors that you will need to consider if your company is awarded the contract. Provide a rationale for your response.

7. Use at least three (3) quality references Note: Wikipedia and other related websites do not qualify as academic resources.

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