Smart graduates follow these 7 tips when job hunting

Smart graduates follow these 7 tips when job hunting

Job hunting, once you have finished your studies, can be a daunting task, especially when there is so much competition.

Our friends at Newcastle University London share their top tips to put your head and shoulders above the rest:

1. Make the most of your degree studies

Dr Paul Fleet, Interim Dean of Academic Affairs, says: 

It’s not only the detail of the degree that employers are looking for – it is evidence of it.

This is found in your lessons and what is learnt in the interactions with colleagues and staff.

Job hunting: make the most of your degree

Look for these opportunities throughout your studies, and at interviews, you will find yourself in a stronger position.

2. Build a digital profile

Zhante Auguste, Marketing Intern, recommends to: 

Keep a record of your achievements – make sure you post about it on your social media profiles. LinkedIn is a great platform for this.

Potential employers are very likely to look you up online, so it is vital that you are giving the right impression.

Make sure you are not tagged in any inappropriate images and do not post anything that could be perceived as unprofessional

Job hunting: make a digital profile

Added Tip: You should also be following companies you admire. This will help you keep up to date with company news, which will impress the panel at interviews

3. Network, network, network!

Dominic Gordon, Recruitment Manager, suggests: 

Sometimes a personal connection will get you an interview.

Whenever you meet anyone working in the industry you want to enter, make sure you take their contact details and send them a follow-up email soon after you met them.

Job hunting: network

4. The power of vulnerability

Claire Twyman, Marketing Coordinator, says: 

When meeting people, it is tempting to portray yourself as a hot-shot-know-it-all.

If you are exaggerating your skills and experience, those in higher positions are likely to see through it – remember that there is a fine line between coming across as confident and cocky.

Job hunting: the power of being vulnerable

Simply ask for advice. It is likely to be of value to you, and it’s ok to be vulnerable sometimes. An added bonus is that you will probably make this person feel good, and they will, therefore, remember you favourably.

5. The art of the speculative application

David White, Business Liaison, states: 

Did you know that 60 per cent of job opportunities are never advertised?

Don’t only apply for advertised jobs – research the name of your likely senior level boss and write straight to them. Don’t bother with HR – go direct.

You are then in a class of one. Even if they do not have a vacancy for what you want to do, they might see your potential for something else.

Job hunting: go direct to the boss

6. Focus on the bigger picture

Claire Twyman, Marketing Coordinator, says: 

Don’t focus on how much you will love the job from day one. Instead, think about where the opportunity could lead you.

Job hunting: focus on the bigger picture

Ask yourself: Will the job help you develop valuable skills? Is there room for progression? Will you have the opportunity to network with top-level people? 

7. Don’t forget to do your research

Dominic Gordon, Recruitment Manager, says: 

This is fairly obvious advice, but you’d be surprised by the number of people that don’t do this when going for job interviews.

It’s useful to know who is interviewing you – research them on Linkedin or through the internet. This may make you feel more comfortable during the interview and provide topics of conversation if needed.

Job hunting: do your research

For more careers advice after university, see how Linkedin can land your dream career or explore the top 10 CV tips shared by Kim, our Marketing Coordinator at Gloucestershire.

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