Structure Your Assignment in 4 Relevant Steps

How to Structure Your Assignment in 4 Relevant Steps

Coming up with relevant essay ideas might be a pain in the bum for many of us. Time and patience are critical requirements, while imagination is our excellent helping tool. Designing a strong thesis and mapping out an argument plan takes coordination qualities and a lot of hard work.
Proofreading our essays takes endurance and carefulness. To put it bluntly, creating an article is not an easy job; it’s actually quite challenging.
What if I tell you that besides planning it all out – coming up with the content, proofreading it perfectly, and asking for assignment help– you also need to structure your work flawlessly? Yes, that’s right. A lot to take in! Here are some tips on how to do it right. If you have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to write us a comment.

Keep it Longer Than Five Paragraphs

First and foremost, you must map out a plan for your essay, as mentioned previously. The best way to do it is write down your main ideas, and include them in the most important three parts of the essay:
• The Introduction
• The Body, and
• The Conclusion
We will discuss the main characteristics of each point above in the following section. Important to mention now is that your body must have at least three paragraphs, one for each argument presented. Together, they add up to five paragraphs – but that doesn’t mean you must stop there. You could come up with five arguments if possible and count seven paragraphs at the end. It’s all up to you, your preferences, and the power of your imagination.

Work on Each Part Separately

Take it step by step and work each part separately. In each section, you must include a different idea and use a unique approach. Some quick tips:
• For your Intro:
Your Intro is one of the most important paragraphs you’ll have to write. That’s because the beginning of an essay says many things about the author – how well he or she is organized, how strong his or her arguments are, and how well he or she can present facts in an exciting (non-boringly!) manner. Using structured content while briefly presenting your ideas, and coming up with a solid thesis while capturing your reader’s attention is a must. Great writers make use of this technique regularly.
Make general observations and present facts at the beginning of your writing piece. Present your strongest ideas summarily and convince the reader that your content is well-adjusted and accessible to the broad public.
• For your Body:
It’s vital to split your body into three paragraphs, one for each one of your arguments. Failing to do so will confuse the reader and might even disinterest them. Present the key point of each paragraph at the beginning, and slowly develop on it. Too much information at once will not be beneficial for you or your reader. Add relevant points steadily but surely. Explain each point thoroughly without omitting anything.
Stick to the point without digressing from the subject. Be analytical in your description, always asking “why?” If you feel that your explanation is not complete, ask “why” as many times as needed until you reach the desired conclusion. Always link back to your main argument. Include whatever promised in your Intro; don’t make promises you cannot keep.
• For your Conclusion:
Wrapping up your ideas into one paragraph sounds difficult, and most of the times, it really is. Go over your article again and highlight the leading points. Go back to your conclusion and design a keyword for each idea. Write them down. Remind the readers how you’ve proved all of your arguments. Show them the reasons for reaching that conclusion again. Draw the finish line and close the discussion.

Include Your Research Carefully

Before publishing, make sure you’ve included your research findings in the chief parts of the article. Failing to support your arguments with examples and relevant proof might compromise your piece. Demonstrate your reasoning by citing pertinent resources, including references, and quoting from reputable sources. Try to stay away from the internet, focus on journals, books, or magazines.

The Conclusion or Assembling Your Main Points

We’ve already looked over this, but I have not given you all the specific guidelines to reaching a powerful conclusion. Many times, one can easily influence the readers by writing a substantial article ending. Here are some useful tips:
• Don’t just summarize your points – restate your ideas
• Don’t use clichés like “in conclusion,” or “to sum up.” Actually, avoid them by any means
• Do not apologize! If you were brave enough to write them, be brave enough to own up to your ideas


Here, quick recap: your article must be at least five paragraphs long, your intro/body/conclusion must be structured and clear, your research must always be included, and your conclusion must summarize and prove your points once more.

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