Study tips: how to get ready for tests and quizzes

Study tips: how to get ready for tests and quizzes

Does the idea of tests and quizzes turn your legs to jelly? Don’t worry – help is here!

Karen Duncan, from the INTO Colorado State University teaching team, has some expert tips for you…

Tests and quizzes can be stressful – even for the most prepared students. Here are some ways to make sure that you’re ready for them:

1. Talk to your teacher
Ask your teacher about the format of the test or quiz. It’s important to know about this as well as the actual content. Teachers appreciate it when you ask them for specific information about assessments as it shows that you’re serious about your studies.

2. Form a study group 
Form a study group and teach your classmates. You can learn a lot from each other by sharing the information you get in class. In addition, many people remember things better after teaching it to others.

3. Dump the distractions 
Maximize your concentration and eliminate distractions when studying. Turn off your phone, try not to use the internet (email, Facebook, etc.), and find a quiet and relaxing place to study.

4. Be prepared on the day
On the day of your test, don’t forget to eat a meal, drink plenty of water, and bring everything you need e.g. a calculator.

5. Read the instructions 
Remember to read and follow the directions of the test carefully. Many students are nervous and overlook this, which can result in careless mistakes. It’s helpful to read through the entire paper at the start – that way you can plan out time for each question.

Good luck!

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