Successful Guide on How to Write a Blog Post

Successful Guide on How to Write a Blog Post

HomeBlogSuccessful Guide On How To Write A Blog Post

How to write blog post

query_builder May 21, 2019

There exist numerous guidelines and manuals on how to write a blog post. You can buy them or find them in free access on the Internet. Most of them can teach you the principles of blog organization, discussion, formatting, the overall mechanics of blog writing as well as the principles of writing replies or feedbacks to the blog posts.

How to Write a Blog Article: Effective Strategies

If you have sufficient background in academic writing, you can find these guidelines quite effective. However, if you lack skills and mastery and find it difficult to cope with specific writing assignments on your own, then you may need assistance from professionals.

Effective Tips for Formulating a Successful Heading

Formulate a header that attracts people`s attention. If you want to create a blog that will attract people`s attention, make sure that you create a successful and attractive title. It should reflect your clear destination you want to reach as well as convey the core idea you intend to communicate across. The heading should be a so-called navigating system that demonstrates what topic you have chosen to reflect on and why you consider it significant.

Choose a controversial or attention-grabbing topic. After you formulate the topic, provide an effective opening that will emphasize that you choose an interesting and appealing opening sentence. At the same time, make sure you do not promise the things that you will not focus on and that you do not plan to explore.

Begin focusing on the positive aspects. After you have conducted sufficient research on your chosen topic, make sure you pick the most interesting points and turn them into a brilliant headline. To get ideas how to do it effectively, look through some famous blog articles to get ideas from successful bloggers. Sometimes stealing ideas in a smart way is a good option. Usually, „How to…“ headlines work really good for a majority of readers.
Appeal to senses. Imagine that you are your own reader: what would you expect to find out from the article? Just think of the kind of headline that might attract personally you. What should this headline have? It has been concluded that headlines that appeal to senses are more successful among the audience.

Tease but do not give out much information in the heading. One of the common mistakes why people do not read the articles till the end or do not even start reading them is because they get all the information from the heading. The main purpose of the heading is just to arouse interest in a specific topic, invoke curiosity, etc.
Do not give a solution in the heading. If you focus on some problematic aspects or controversial issues, make sure you do not provide solutions already in the heading. Solutions should be a part of the conclusion, where you may also provide a call to action.

Do not promise in the heading more that you plan to deliver in the very article. It is one of the gravest mistakes when writers promise more than they can provide readers with This is a bad strategy that does not add up to the further popularity of that writer and his/ her articles. Therefore, do not over-promise because readers will not trust you.

Formulate the headings in a clear way without adding empty words. Do not add some clunky phrases just to add more words. Try to formulate the phrases in the most concise way possible. This mistake happens when the headings reflect the way the writers speak. When speaking, it is allowed to use some unnecessary words and phrases but they should be definitely avoided in written academic English.

Try to formulate the headline in such a way that it is understandable for readers of different educational backgrounds. Do not try to sound that much smart. Using specific terms and professional jargon in the headline would do no good since people would not like to read the article they do not perfectly understand. It is not a good indicator when the readers have to guess the meaning. Another thing worth consideration is that you should read the readers` minds – not vice versa.

Avoid metaphors, epithets, irony, sarcasm, and other literary devices that may confuse the meaning and idea. The heading should be formulated in a clear and comprehensible manner.

Be consistent with your target readers. If you aim at providing efficient content for a specific audience, make sure you study the interests of your readers as well as get to know their educational or professional background to make the article corresponding to their interests.

Overall, it is advisable to practice a lot in order to develop your unique writing style. As soon as you have your own peculiar style of writing, you will attract your type of audience and will be able to write in a specific manner consistently. If you are just a beginner in blog writing, be ready to rewrite the same headline for 5-10 times until you make it perfect. The more you paraphrase and play with words, the more you will master the process of creating interest-evoking headlines.

Switch over to the Blog Article Writing Process

After you have carried out the research for your writing and formulated a topic, start working on the very text of your blog. The structure of the blog is virtually the same as in regular academic writing types. Start with a catchy introduction, move on to the central writing part, and finish with a closing paragraph.

Check out the following tips:

  • Introduction writing

Many people find introduction the most challenging and time-consuming part to write. Therefore, one of the most effective tips here is to write the introduction at the end of your blog writing. In such a way, it will definitely be easier to cope with it, as you will have a clear picture in your mind of what your post is about. So, focus on the “meat” of the blog post first and then think how to begin it in an appealing way. Make sure you provide appealing information that grabs readers’ attention.

  • Care about the visual appearance of your blog post

It is not about the visual aids, pictures, photos, graphs or diagrams. Visual representation deals more with the overall formatting and method of paragraph organization. Pictures will just help to boost the content and overall comprehension but make sure you structure the paragraphs properly. When inserting pictures into the text, make sure they correspond to the text you present.

  • Create an outline to economize time on writing and paragraphs development

An outline provides a backbone for writing since with its help you have a vivid picture of what ideas you will focus on and what information you will include. Besides, with the help of an outline, you will be more likely to avoid providing irrelevant information.

As you present different ideas in the blog post, make sure you give supporting evidence, provide examples and illustrations, and add different statistics. When using outside sources, make sure to cite them properly.
Avoid repetition of the same ideas. It does not create a favorable impression at all. If you repeat yourself, it means that you have nothing to tell about.

  • Edit your blog post carefully

This is the essential thing in how to write a blog post. Editing here will refer to fixing and revising the content, proofreading the paper for grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes, as well as formatting the paper. The editing and proofreading processes are important ones regardless of the type of writing you submit. You may use online help (particularly, use online grammar or spelling checkers) as well as use assistance from professionals. Whichever you prefer, make sure you do not publish a blog post without careful check. Remember that the overall impression from reading the text and its mechanics really matters. If you have many mistakes not only in grammar but also in content, it distracts the readers from perceiving the information as they may have difficulties understanding the content. Therefore, make sure you write in a clear, logical, and concise way, and work hard to provide an impeccable piece of writing free from grammar, spelling, and formatting mistakes.

If you need some extra help, you can seek expert assistance from With the help of our professional writers, you will definitely know how to provide a successful blog post. Moreover, our company`s qualified and professional writers will share their own experience with you in order to make your learning experience easier. Particularly, you will know the fundamentals of formulating headlines, writing catchy introductions, as well as motivating and encouraging closing paragraphs.

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