survival tips for your first week at university

9 survival tips for your first week at university

You’ve arrived, unpacked and you’re ready to start your study abroad adventure.

Keep reading to discover our tips on surviving your first week and making the whole university experience a breeze.

Familiarise yourself with your classroom

As soon as you get your lesson timetable, check the rooms you need to go to and the buildings they are in.

Work out how long it takes to get there so you don’t get lost or arrive late on your first day – a map of the centre and the local area is always a good idea to keep.

Maurauders Map

Talk to people

It’s sometimes hard to strike up a conversation with a total stranger, but everyone will be in the same situation so don’t be afraid to start chatting to a fellow student.

You never know – they may end up being your new best friend!

Label any valuables

Make sure you label any valuables you have with you in case they go missing.

The best way to do this is to write your details on them using an Ultra Violet pen. You can see if you can pick one up during fresher’s week.

Label your valuables

Keep your laptop safe

If you’re using your laptop around campus, get yourself a Kensington lock.

This will secure your laptop to the table you are working on. Perfect for when you are working in the library and need to leave your laptop unattended whilst you run off to get more books!

Be a ‘yes!’ person

Don’t be afraid to say yes to activities you haven’t yet tried before.

Our INTO Centres and universities are always organising fun social events and activities – this is your chance to meet fellow students and make new friends.


Buy secondhand from student forums

Check your university’s student forum for previous owned reference books on sale.

Students will use this site to sell books that they potentially wouldn’t take back home with them. You’ll save yourself some money and look after the environment.

Register with the local doctor, police and open a bank account

It’s really important to make sure you register with the local doctor as soon as you can; and depending on your visa requirements you may have to register with the police too.

Opening a bank account is an ideal way to help manage your money securely.

Get to know the student services teams

You will meet so many people during your first week, but make yourself aware to the Student Services team and meet them individually – get your face known around the centre!

INTO Centre Welcome Desk

Spend a few hours self-studying

In between your classes and making new friends, spend an hour or two doing some self-studying – read books in order to find academic references and start writing your assignments early.

Do not leave your assignments to the last minute and avoid any last minute rushing around.

Moving abroad and adjusting to a different culture can be daunting, but don’t worry we are here to help guide you through the whole process. You can find out more useful information on our website

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