Tele-Nursing for Home Health Providers

Tele-Nursing  for  Home  Health  Providers


Tele-Nursing for Home Health Providers

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Tele-nursing is the use of telecommunication and information technology to provide nursing services when a nurse and a patient are at different locations and especially when the distance is not simple for either of the parties to cover. Nurses during tele-nursing use technology to contact patients in a remote location and offer their nursing service. Tele-nursing is in the field of telemedicine that also includes telehealth and nursing telepractice. All are interchangeable terms that someone can use when referring to the service providing health help remotely.

Health-care providers are also beneficiaries of telenursing as they can use it to communicate among themselves when discussing the health of a patient or sharing information. It is a field that is a part of telehealth with many points of contact with other medical applications such as teleconsultation, telediagnosis, telemonitoring and telemedicine among others.

Advantages of Tele-nursing for home health providers

1.Allows remote access to patients

Tele-nursing is favorable for nurses from all settings to practice telehealth with all sorts of equipment. They can use different types of technology including VOIP, web cameras, telephone, and the internet to deliver care details over a long distance. This technology is remote, but users give an opinion that it is efficient. Home health providers can collect data from various home devices such as:

  • Pulse oximeters
  • Blood pressure monitors
  • Weighing Scales
  • Peak flow meters
  • Glucometers


Homecare providers can now gather the physiologic signals from these medical devices with tablets, smartphones, wearable, and sensors. Nurses can use all these devices for assessment, planning, and implementation of care plans without going visiting the patient in person. For example nurses, these days take snapshots of skin lesions or wounds with a smartphone and transmit it to a wound care specialist or dermatologist if it is necessary to make virtual consults as well as carry out interventions. This technology breaks down the barriers of time, distance and cost.

2.Cuts down the need for visits to patients

Home health providers in the past years visited their numerous patients at home to physically examine their condition. Tele-nursing allows remote consultation although it is not a substitute for hands-on approach or face-to-face discussions by a care provider. Nevertheless, it is still an essential tool in a toolbox of a modern nurse who is in the frontline of home healthcare.

Nurses now have a convenience to provide care from anywhere. They can use telenursing to perform telehealth sessions at homes, prisons, doctors offices, clinics, hospitals or any other place where they opt to reach a patient. They require a location with suitable access to technology. Many nurses are embracing the use of telenursing because of the speed and convenience. In some places like the United States, telenursing has replaced a sizeable number of home visits by a nurse. Telehealth will take an even significant role in replacing in-person visits to the patients at this time of nursing shortage.

3.Allows quick provision of emergency care

Tele-nursing allows fast and efficient nursing care during emergencies especially when reaching a patient is difficult than the ideal situation. For instance, telehealth nursing might be an only option for minor injuries after an accident because the telecommunication systems are up and running. During emergencies, healthcare providers from different places can use telephone triage-set-ups to participate in patient care and discuss treatment plans. Nursing in telehealth setting allows nurses to monitor the heart rate, oxygen levels, blood glucose, respiration, and other body functions.

4.Allows the provision of surgical care

Tele-nursing allows administering of pre and post-surgical care from a remote location thus reducing the need for frequent visits and cost to the patient. Because of the continued contact, health providers can quickly determine any specific circumstance that arises and use the best practices to solve. Patients can also communicate with their nurses through a telehealth system. In non-emergency situations, they can get a nurse to take their glucose, blood pressure or other readings. Nurses can in also instruct patients on how to treat minor burns or dress wounds.

Tele-nursing allows timely interventions and identifying health problems before they escalate due to constant interaction with patients who in ordinary circumstances might not access health care providers because of long distance and poor infrastructure.

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