Term Paper Cover Page

Term Paper Cover Page: Do it Right

Writing at school can take many forms, and each of the assignments has its own unique purpose. One of the tasks that you may be faced with is term paper. Such writing is very illustrative, as it shows your gained knowledge and developed skills. What will your professor pay attention to, assessing the fruits of your efforts?

  • Relevance and interest in the chosen topic;http://writers-corp.net
  • Compliance with the structure rules;
  • Logical interrelations between the parts of your paper;
  • Informativeness and pertinence of materials used;
  • Term paper cover page.

You may wonder why the cover page is of great importance in your academic paper, and how it can affect your final grade. However, a properly formatted cover page shows how much you are attentive to detail and responsible while preparing a task.

As a rule, cover page for term paper consists of:

  1. Topic of the paper
  2. Name of the course
  3. Name of the author
  4. Name of the professor
  5. Date of submission

A good cover page is enough to awaken the interest of the reader and make him/her want to read further. On the other hand, if the title page is not well written, it will make the reader lose interest right at the beginning. How all the mentioned points should be fulfilled and what information exactly they should content?

  • Title - Placed in the middle of the page and written in title case (each alphabet of the first word, except for connectors, in capital), the title of the paper should be empathized well and should be able to catch the reader's eye in one go.
  • Course name - This is the course name for which the term paper is being submitted.
  • Author name - This is, obviously, your own name. If more than one author has worked on the term paper, then you must include all of the names.
  • Professor's name - This is the name of your teacher or professor who takes the class.
  • Date of submission - The date on which the term paper is being submitted.

Each of these elements has a few obligatory writing rules to be followed. It means that the most important thing in preparing the term paper cover page is not what is written, but how is it written.

Your term paper title and subtitle should be written in the center of the page. Don't forget to take the title in inverted commas. If you have a subtitle, it should be separated from the main title by a colon.

Times New Roman, 12 is a type that is commonly used on the cover page. Nevertheless, use of other font types and sizes is possible, if your term paper monitor isn't too demanding and strict.

Be careful with bold or italics. Bold is for the title, but subtitle should be written in common type. It helps your reader with highlighting a more broad topic and emphasizes the general thematics.

All these requirements may seem unimportant, but believe or not, they influence the look of your cover page a lot. There are two main approaches to format your cover page for a term paper, and now you will know about each of them.

Term paper cover page format: MLA & APA

The format of your cover page can be prepared in MLA or APA style. Things that are usually included in this page will remain the same, and only the chosen style will influence on how this information will be formatted. Here we would like to provide you with two different examples with a particular term paper cover page format applied.

Term paper cover page APA will consist of these major points :

  • The title (halfway down the page, center aligned)
  • Personal Details (bottom of the page, center aligned): Your name, institution, monitor's name date of submission. This part of the cover page is variable, so be sure to specify all the requirements with your monitor.
  • Running head (left justified): another version of your title(up to 50 characters) that is used on each page.
  • Number of the page (5-7 spaces away from the header, right aligned)

And that's pretty much it. As for term paper cover page MLA style, it would look quite similar to APA, but keep in mind that all the letters would be center aligned, and pages are to be double-spaced.

  • Name of your school
  • Title and Subtitle (halfway down the page)
  • Your name (several lines down)
  • Name and number of the course
  • Professor name
  • Due date

With a cover page done appropriately, every term paper looks more professional. Don't spare your time to check if your cover page meets the APA or MLA requirements and make sure there aren't any grammar, language or syntax mistakes. If you approach the formatting of the cover page for your term paper responsively, you will set the good tone for all the work and complete it successfully.back to all posts

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