The Basics of Writing an Essay

The Basics of Writing an Essay

Being a good writer is a remarkable ability to possess. It helps you develop your communication abilities, enhancing your chances of getting the dream job. The better you express yourself, the more they’ll understand your eagerness to succeed. The more they’ll understand your eagerness to succeed, the more successful you’ll become. It’s a never-ending Domino game which you’ll have to play attentively.
From applying for scholarships to being admitted into Grad school, writing will help you succeed in any context. However, few people are born with this quality. You might have to practice in order to get good at it or consult with an essay writing service AU to get some help in the beginning. Track your progress and making sure you are on the right path is essential to your development.
Here are the necessary steps to writing an excellent essay. Follow them for great results.

What Is the Main Question?

Before starting to work on your essay, take some time to read the assignment carefully. What are they asking for? What are they expecting from you? What type of writing should you be using?
It’s important to get these things straight before beginning, as failing to respect essential requirements has its consequences. Don’t lose time on editing, better start by understanding the main question accurately.
Some ideas on how to make sure you understand the assignment:
• Look for keywords and underline them
• Always ask yourself “What does this mean in the context?”
• If you are unfamiliar with some specific words, look them up before proceeding
• Always have a dictionary at hand and make use of it constantly
• Determine the question’s crucial topic words

Have You Done Your Research?

The next step is researching your topic carefully. Important tips to remember:
• Take enough time to read through critical (online) articles
• Use magazines, books, e-journals, or any available sources of information
• Take notes on your readings
• Ask for help if you need it (a librarian is always a great choice!)
• Don’t trust Google research unless it’s Google Scholarly (or any other accredited website)
• Gather references ahead of time so you won’t stress out in the last second


Now that you have a clear idea of your topic and you’ve done your research, it’s time to come up with some relevant points.
• Design a detailed map of your ideas (aniMapas I call it!) and include all the pertinent concepts that you’ve considered
• Ask yourself “What is my final goal?” Here, consider the main question, and think about the answer that you’re required to include; what is your main argument? What should you prove in the end?
• Look for strengths and weaknesses among your ideas; identify them
• Always ask the “Why?” question – why are you developing this idea? Where does it take you, how, and why? Why is this so? Whyis your argument valid?

What’s Your Thesis?

Having a well-structured, comprehensive thesis is the foundation of a successful writing piece. Imagine how a thesis-less article would look like – you’d probably find it challenging to understand what the author’s purpose is. The thesis is so relevant because it brings essential knowledge to the reader – what the author is trying to prove should not be a guessing game; it should be included at the beginning of youressay.
• Brainstorm ideas for your thesis
• Write all of your thoughts down
• Come up with arguments supporting each hypothesis
• Choose the one that’s easiest to support
However, remember that:
• Your thesis is not your question – it must be something more complex and well-defined
• Your thesis is not included into any lists – your thesis is the ‘name’ of your list (which means arguments derive from it and not vice versa)
• Your thesis must be clear, strong, and arguably

Have You Written Down an Outline?

It’s time to structure your ideas into a draft. An outline is the best method to keeping your piece organized and intelligible.
• Make up a list of top arguments that you’ll present
• Organize your arguments into subpoints and fill in the gaps
• Eliminate the parts that don’t fit and revise the ones that do
• Design an Intro, Body, and Conclusion paragraphs

Have You Prepared Your Intro/Body/Conclusion?

Work with each of these parts separately. In your Intro:
• Include the thesis and present your main arguments
• Walk your readers through your reading, presenting your most powerful ideas
• Write your introduction last to you organize it better
• Be straightforward in your intro, and very specific
In your Body paragraph:
• Break down your Body into three parts, which will include your three main arguments
• For each argument, start with a background statement that presents the facts and points you want to make
• Develop on each point by gradually adding relevant information
• Include references to your main argument (relate back to it in a way or another)

If You Didn’t Edit, You Are Not Done

Most people think their job is done when theywrite the essay’s conclusion. Not true! Editing and proofreading the essay are crucial steps. Imagine having to read through spelling mistakes and grammar errors – wouldn’t you be angry with that author? Make proofreading and editing a routine!
• Check the essay’s structure and content once again – highlight odd words and replace them, make sure your thesis is compelling and comprehensive, use a clear sentence structure
• Ask for feedback from a friend/family and consider their advice; edit one more time
• Check for grammar and spelling mistakes; don’t forget about punctuation
• Read the paper one more time (yes, again!)
• Last but not least, check your paper’s format – does it respect the standard requirements? Are the paragraphs intelligible? Does your title express your essay’s purpose?
• Review citations and references and correct them!

Wrapping Up

When writing an essay, the central questions to ask are: what is being asked? Have I done my research properly? Have I brainstormed? What is my thesis/what do I want to prove to the reader? Do I have a well-designed outline? How’s my structure? Have I proofread and edited everything I needed to? Answering these relevant questions will put you on the right track! Good luck.

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