The best strategy how to choose the right university

The best strategy how to choose the right university

 2018 Apr 17  College Years

The importance of higher education is hard to underestimate. It opens so many doors and possibilities in a modern world, that it is crucial for you to choose the right university. A level of your success depends on this choice.

‘That’s what university life is all about. Challenging, questioning, enjoying good people and good friends, and pushing yourself to the limit.’

When a school is ending, the students start to think about where to go after graduation. Most of them have made their choice long time ago. But there are those who still have difficulties in making this hard choice. Don’ worry if you are one of them. It is even good that you spend so much time thinking, considering and wondering about the university you want to study in. The hasty choices can influence your life in a not very beneficial way. And when you use your energy to count all pros and cons of choosing the university, you are on the right road. The following strategy steps will help you to fill all the gaps you need to know. Let’s start.

Popular university or Successful future career

Many young people and their parents, first of all, pay attention to the prestige of the university, “popularity” of the university, faculty or specialty. This is quite unreasonable because of some facts. Of course, there are specialties that are at the peak of popularity today. But have you considered what will happen in 5 years? Will these specialists be in demand? Because it can be really difficult to find a job after graduation.

It doesn’t mean that following the ‘fashion’ and searching for the popular university is bad. But, taking fashion as a guide, won’t help you to make the best decision. While doing your research, use a ranking list, but dig deeper. Look for the information about the graduates and their occupation. The job-related data is necessary for your research. Today’s employers admit that higher education, obtained in a prestigious university, is only welcomed. They appreciate first and foremost the knowledge of a person and the way they show themselves in the real situations. There are many people who graduated from not very popular universities, but they are simply irreplaceable at work. And there are “walking encyclopedias”, which have three diplomas, but they absolutely do not fit in any of the companies.

Teachers and professors

Teachers and professors of the university are another aspects you have to take into consideration. A good teacher is not just a mature man in glasses, who can quote Umberto Eco. Your future teachers should be the active researchers. These are people who will help you to obtain the necessary knowledge, as well as inspire you to study, and become your life mentors.

Let’s take an example of a teacher of philosophy. His/her portfolio should contain relevant articles on a subject, let us say, social relations, a blog with their own reflections posted on the website or some online interviews. The teacher has to keep up with the requirements of the time.

Areas of strength

It is important to remember that there is no university good at everything. Don’t look for the perfect image. Every university has its strength, make sure the university you choose has a strong point in your field of study. Learn about university’s teaching and go to their website to find more information. If you have found that university it can provide you with the very successful opportunities such as;

  • employment opportunities with prestigious organizations in your industry;
  • custom-built facilities;
  • field-specific academic opportunities.

Do you want to be a part of a campus community?

The campus community gives you a lot of possibilities for your professional and personal growth. The communicative skills can unite you with other students. Through different university activities and events, you can meet interesting people and find new friends from the other faculties. There are big university communities and the smaller ones. Every campus community has its own spirit and atmosphere, it can be relaxing, energetic, motivating, so make sure it will be comfortable for your personality to be a part of a specific ‘feel’ of the university community.

You can check university’s website to get a glimpse of how the campus community looks like. However, the best way to feel the real atmosphere and to try yourself in student’s shoes is to visit the campus. Talk to the students and staff, ask them about the things you didn’t find on the website, and experience the real environment of the university.
Also, check what services and facilities the university provide you with, maybe there is a gym or theatre company that will help you to have fun after classes. Don’t neglect your personal interests while choosing the university. You can’t just sit and study all the time. It is better to have some relaxing activity that will help you to be more focused on study without feeling stressed out.

Cost, financial aid and scholarships?

While choosing the university, you can’t miss the cost of the studying. Even if the university seems perfect for you, don’t rush to apply, find out about the fees. Every university has its own price tag. Don’t get upset when the university you want to study at has the too high price. There are different scholarships and financial aid you can get, so there won’t be a need to give up on your dream.

Making the choice of the university is really difficult and may seem too overwhelming. But consider every aspect of this choice as it will influence your life significantly.

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