The Economic Growth of Seattle during the Second World War






The Economic Growth of Seattle during the Second World War

The Second World War was an enormous boost to the economy of Seattle; this was as a result of the depression that the U.S had on the World War II which led to the federal government making up a decision of funding certain industries for production of boats and planes for the U.S military purposely to help the militias on the war. The companies were Boeing plane Production Company of the planes and the Bremerton naval ship yards company for production of the boats. The federals funding of these companies significantly contributed to the growth of Seattle economy. This was through several ways, which include purchase of the products (boats and the planes) from the companies; the government funding made it easy for the company to have high quantity production and manufacture of the boats and planes. Ray Charles, Boeing industrial engineer said `` High production cost for the companies makes it to poor production quantity turnout” (147). He showed how the company had extremely poor production output and not capable of meeting the market demand. Funding from the federal government led to the company reducing its production costs and hence effectively met the demand from the U.S military.

The ready market from the government then made the Boeing Company be in a sustainable growth from efficient production to having efficient market. This then brought led to the rise of fast generation of currency in Seattle hence the economy grew rapidly. Meanwhile, this was an investment plant which was being at a big risk from the U, S enemies the Japanese was in the fight with the US. The risk was the fact that the company was the only one. Which could produce aircraft for the fight and the Japanese were in search of it. The risks involved made the company importance for the Federal Government. In addition, it put the Boeing air craft factories in the west coast under netting for hide from the Japanese aircraft attacks. There was construction of fake houses to mark the air craft production factories. This included fake trees on top of the factories to make sure that the Japanese aircrafts could not access the factories.

The main activity in the City before the start of the Second World War was logging and mining from other cities like Alaska which was maintaining the Seattle’s economy until the First World War.ParlJim, 96) economic researcher who was highly interested in international trade wrote `` extraction of natural resources in the world leads to high economic boost” (96). His book shows how logging and mining led to economic growth in Seattle. After the First World War, the economy slowed down and highly affected its growth. Before the Second World War, Seattle also had some economic boom mainly from the Klondike gold rush which ended a depression which was there since 1893. At this time, Seattle became the principal transport center for the miners in Alaska and Yukon. This gold torch then brought the economy of Seattle stable began to slow down.

The Boeing air craft and boat company had boosted the economy due to its employment provision employing about seventy thousand people and with sales of less than ten thousand dollars a year, which was spectacular business for Seattle. Williams, Bletcher, Seattle’s program developers during the Second World War concluded ``Economic growth begins in individual level” (59, 78). Due to the sales and employment provision, the Seattle economy boomed up.

In the years leading to the Second World War, Boeing Company improved its construction by producing more convenient planes for the war. Salmon Nickel, Boeing aeronautical advisor said that production of pure metal and a single wing plane purposely for military use was the company objective, (183). They also had better wings development accompanied with considerable multiple power plant technology for its efficiency in speed and power. There was also installation of directional radios for better flights especially at night. The estimated production of the B-17 was 16 of them produced per day which was a unusually high production rate. This production then brought about high marketing for the air craft and the boat company hence maximizing the growth of Seattle’s economy through serious money circulation in within the country.

Seattle received significant funding and production companies attracted more immigrants to the City which was also an economic boost to the country. This migration was taking place mainly due to excellent employment opportunities which erupted for the production process in the Boeing factories. It then attracted exceptionally high population growth in the Seattle City. This population was mainly providing labor to the plane and the boat factories hence becoming a source of employment to them.

Seattle was made up of natives; continued migration of these natives was common due to the employment opportunities which were available in the City. These employment sectors were in defense forces, rail and roads construction, logging, fishing and other areas which were not common and easy to be tackled by the settlers. Due to the competition of resources between the natives and the settlers in Seattle, there was a rocky relationship between the two groups. Speidel Hiram, Washington university psychology professor concluded ``Two different perceptions forces exerting pressure point leads to tension and disagreement. It describes why settlers were brutality taking away the natives land and treating them terribly.

The great migration of people to Seattle also brought about considerable boost of the economy growth of the Seattle. This was through the employment process which gave them a source of income. Taylor, a university of Washington ethnic studies professor in the book, ‘The Forging of a Black Community — Seattle's Central District from 1870 through the Civil Rights Era’ said`` Employment is the start of development” (57) Due to these employment opportunities, there was a whopping money circulation within the people who lived in that locality hence improving the economy greatly.

All these activities kept the flow of cash in Seattle to be stable. The southern part which includes the Asians make the highest population of the migrants living in Seattle with about 50 percent of them living in south east Seattle in Beacon Hill and Rainier Valley — and with most of the rest living outside the. Doug Chin, Settlers political advisor after world war11 remarked `` migration and foreign investors lead to economic growth” (92). After the world war two, the blacks’ migrants became popular in the Seattle City mainly in search of job recruitment in the production factories. According to Taylor the blacks’ population in the 1910 was approximately 6000 and spontaneously increased to 41000 in 1920 due to job availability for blacks in the war related fields with many working either in manufacturing companies or even in defense related jobs (making of pan Africa community).

Seattle’s population from then grew at unusually high rate with many of the people living in the City being occupied in employment and earning hence stabilizing the economy. During and after the Second World War, industrialization became highly valued in Seattle with manufacturing factories being implemented which included the Boeing plane and boat production factories among others. Commercial production from the industries stabilized trade in Seattle with both internal and export sales. This improved taxation in the country which is the main source of income in many countries.

These activities included tourism. Seattle’s climate is one of the major attraction of people temporally migration to Seattle up to today. Its climate is described as being temperate marine, with mild, wet winters, oceanic, warm and dry summer.  Koppen, a great environmental researcher said ``Moderate Climate temperature, majestic Pacific Ocean and lake Washington is crucial tourist attraction in Seattle”(34). The region is largely denied Pacific storms by the Olympic Mountains and Arctic air by the Cascade Range which made it environmental friendly for tourism in the area. This boosted the City for more economic growth. Seattle had a history of media acting, video editing and theater from before. This made Seattle have tourists’ attraction along this field. These included the annual fairs and festivals are the 24-day Seattle international film festival, Sea fair events which are mainly from July to August. Tourism attraction sites were also reserved for both local and international tourists as a way of maximizing income to the country hence stabilizing the economy.

The end of the Second World War came up as the start to Seattle enormous economic growth. Diversity of the migrants brought about varied culture of the City which gave out a chance for any visitor to be comfortable. This created a more efficient environment for tourism activities in the City. Diversity brings about healthy culture, which was welcoming to suit any one from the entire world to feel at home while in Seattle. Mike crew, port land tourism investor, Tourism is highly influenced by the welcoming power of the residents more than the valuable tourism sites which mainly benefit the locals (43).

Ethnic diversity in Seattle led to the rise of strong governance models in the City. This is experienced due to minimum cases of racism in the City. Implementation of the rule of law was based on consideration of every ethnic group. The views and ideas of the different ethnic groups should be considered all together before making a law. This also led to a supportive point of view towards stabilization of the economy. Economic growth mainly starts with healthy policy making with democracy in it, equal and fair consideration views from all participants.. The rule of law governs the boundaries among which people should do or not to do.

The Second World War migration also significantly impacted positively to Seattle. This was as a result of the different innovations which were established, and people were no more relying on the defense force jobs any more. Different people had different innovations towards their own economic growth which lead to sustained positive growth of the economy. Many of the Seattle dwellers changed their minds to commercial business this influenced trade with commercial production taking place. On the other hand, this diversification led to different groups specializing on various activities, which made the country’s economy running.

The settle economy was strongly rooted after the diversity of different ethnic groups in the area. Furth, phoenix university cultural studies professor said `` Cultural diversity among people is succession of peace” . people were back fully involved in both extractive and productive industries. This industry includes the logging, steel fishing, military and many others making a full involvement of each member of Seattle involved in the country’s economic growth. This involvement led the Seattle City to grow and experience more economic developments. They were also sources of employment to a large population of Seattle creating diversity of job opportunities in the area. Economy then grew fast due to taxation of the large employed population in the country.

Seattle’s economic development and stabilization continued after the people became connected with international and professional sporting. Due to the ethnic diversity in the area, Seattle had many talented people in different sporting activities. Sports in the ancient years were mainly for body exercise, but as years passed on this changed. It became a source of income and employment too many people in the world, Seattle being a metropolitan area had many people who were talented on this field and earned themselves a living through it. Sports also kept the people healthy for more production of the country.

Many of these sports were organized through sport clubs, which objectives were to mark being winners in the international sports in the world. This organization gave them a chance to have many of their growing youths earning their source of employment through the sports, Due to high employment of their youths in the sports, Seattle economy continued to grow spontaneously with its population being on the workforce. Sporting also gave a chance to correct morals to many youths of Seattle. It makes many young people to be involved in the activity giving way to the elimination of substandard morals of the young. Bad morals among a group of people pull down the economic growth of any country because it is a block of many incomes in the country.

A favorable climatic condition also gives out a chance for people of Seattle and tourists to have outdoor activities; this mainly attracts more tourists in their locality to experience the same outdoor activities. Additionally to these, it helps people to keep fit through exercising hence becoming healthy for more productive activities like provision of human power in many of industries and production factories hence leading to more economic production and growth in Seattle. Tourism impacted positively to Seattle as a source of income to the country which leads to economic growth of Seattle.

Seattle’s development continued to strengthen through many which also included the impact of education on the economic development large of Seattle’s population got involved in early education, which helped the country’s economic growth through having qualified working personnel on their factories and industries. It is estimated that about 53 percent of the total population in Seattle had an age of 25 years and above. In addition, this age bracket possessed a bachelor’s degree in furious fields of education. 91 percent of the youths also had a high school higher diploma which made up a conclusion to a research being done on the education sector in Seattle. Education gave Seattle a title in development of the country since it is one aspect of measures of economic growth.

Seattle had the largest number of college as well as University graduates of any significant U.S. City hence making the City to be the ranked in the top ten cities in United States of America with the highest educated and literate people (United States Census Bureau survey report, 62).. The presence of washing ton university is a significant boost to the people of Seattle since it offers a chance of the people to access higher education easily. The university is also significant to the people because it can be used as a research center for many innovations in the world. For example, it was highly used in the computer Microsoft application.

The issue of education had a significant impact on Seattle’s economic growth. After the Second World War, the population of Seattle was highly involved in education as the whole nation of United States of America economy in general was highly concerned on improving the whole nation’s economy. It was easy for Seattle people to meet the economic growth as a result of the large population the education system created employment as well as having professional people in Seattle who were concerned with economy improvement.

The Seattle government introduced a strategy of information based model. This involved the workers were required to work within the sector they were skilled. Due to the high migration effect of people to Seattle, there was a substantial risk of competition or people flooding on one area of profession. This encouraged people to mark their studies in many different fields. This made the dwellers have distributed varied professional skill and hence reduced competition among the high population. Information based model also helped Seattle to have diverse career professionals. The professionals led to a significant number of its population to have knowledge on self-economic improvement because it became easy for them to access employment and also improvise their course knowledge to innovations. For example, the implementation of computer Microsoft innovation in Seattle was as a result of professional application.

The economic growth of the Seattle made led the rise of industrial and business areas in the United States of America (Barro, United States of America economist said ``industrialization promotes economy improvement in any country by 30 %”( 2002). He emphasized on economic growth of Seattle as being from basic level of individual change through full employment in the industries, efficiency in resource use, and income redistribution -- pale into significance when set against growth. All citizens of Seattle both rich and poor were better off than their ancestors. That improvement has come to pass, not because unemployment or economic efficiency or income distribution was massively distributed among the Seattle population with education helping a lot making it different from what it was a century ago but because economic growth has increased the average national incomes of the industrialized is experienced.

Seattle as a metropolitan area adapted to high and fast technology in United States of America than any other City. The influence of technology was evidenced from the high population with people having innovations of technology. Bill" Gateswho is born in Seattle had a Microsoft technology which ranked him in the list of the wealthiest people in the world. These innovations and technology lead to more employment opportunities in Seattle hence leading to mere income generation and money circulation in the Seattle City and the entire state in whole.

Technologies come along with economic stabilization. Technology also marks a source of employment to many people. It mainly leads to high production output of any product and with low cost of production which maximizes the profit income. Technology saves time in any aspect of production hence high economic growth. These are some of the issues and things that led to continued stabilization of economy in Seattle. The great migration of people to Seattle during and after the Second World War was of importance to Seattle. This migration brought about peace and efficient development to Seattle in general mainly because they collectively led to success of Seattle economy. People were largely employed in Seattle leading to efficient cash flow in the City.

After the end of the Second World War, many innovations were coming up in the City and hence making it not to have fluctuations in its economy. The City was also indulged in severe development through improving its infrastructure considerably. The City’s infrastructure development also contributed a lot on stabilizing the economy of Seattle (King county metro, (89) a great politician in Seattle. It did so through creating employment opportunities to people in Seattle hence leading to more income generations.

Seattle infrastructure including transport and communication sector developed. This was as a result of high migration to people in the City where people could provide ready labor for the construction process hence having employment through that. It has also made it easy for business transactions, which include production companies’ transportation be easy. Delivery of goods and services in the Seattle City was made easy hence also creating employment to people who also contribute to the economic growth. Trade as one of the economic boosters in many countries was made effective in Seattle through substantial investment in infrastructure. Infrastructure comprised of all transport means which made it easy for Seattle to export its products easily. Efficient communication and urban planning is also involved in infrastructure. Seattle’s communication was efficient after the Second World War making reliable trade among Seattle and the other countries. Infrastructure contributes indirectly to economic growth through making trade and other taxable things efficient.

Seattle was among the beneficiaries of medication during the World War II. Medication helped to keep the area residents healthy and more productive during the war time. After the War, Seattle had a program of research on medication to deal with infectious diseases, which could be as a result of many migrants to the area. Vaccination was preferred to keep the entire society of Seattle free from infectious diseases. Healthy people then contributed positively in the economic growth of the area. Medication was also efficient in the post war trauma to the people. It stabilized their emotions and changed minds to improvement of their own living standards. (Winston Churchill, A great United States of America medical researcher concluded `` high mortality rate in any country leads to reduced economic growth rate,( 92).

The migration of Africa-America increased by about fourth percent which also lead to considerable economic growth to Seattle. Most of the blacks who were migrants were employed to provide industrial labor in the industries and in the rail road making hence providing income to many people. This is according to Exodus to Kansas book and the Holland cotter journal. During this period, the Seattle experienced significant economic gain through its organization of its government to make the economy rolling. Stabilization of Seattle economy through the great migration and funding of the companies was a significant start to its growth up to now. The Second World War was generally the main boom to economic growth and immigration to Seattle which lead to high employment rate and more sales of Boeings leading to high income.

Works Cited

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