The Four Types Of Sentences

Many students that begin their writing journey through school don’t know how to use punctuation in different types of sentences. EssayPro has created a handy guide to help identify various types of sentences and insert punctuation in academic papers properly. We know how tough it can be trying to improve writing abilities. This article can help add some extra depth to an assignment.
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What Are the Four Types of Sentences?

Students that use and understand different word contractions with the correct punctuation are able to express themselves more freely than their peers through a range of emotions and reasoning. The lack of varied sentences makes the writing monotonous.

These are the four types of sentences:

  • Declarative
  • Imperative
  • Interrogative
  • Exclamatory

These are the three types of punctuation to finish the idea:

  • Period (full stop)
  • Question mark
  • Exclamation point

The type of sentence depends on the type of essay. Different essays have a different mood.

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What is a Declarative Sentence?

A declarative sentence definition would be described as making a statement or expressing an opinion. Add them to share facts and dogmas. You could say making a declaration. These kinds of statements finish with a period, and people use them more frequently than others.

four small dogs sitting

How to Write a Declarative Sentence?

This type has a couple of major elements. We will call them A and B. “A is B” or “A does B” is a typical formula for a declarative statement, and it is important to use a neutral tone while writing it. Such a sentence can express some feelings unless they do not sound emotional. Can you see the difference between saying, “I like sushi” and “I LOVE sushi”? That is how to tell this type from the rest of the available alternatives: the second version represents an exclamatory statement.

Declarative Sentence Examples:

“I want to be an excellent writer.” (Making a statement)
“I think some writers are better than others.” (Expressing an opinion)
“I enjoy reading a book on the beach.”
“He saw the cat eating French fries.”

What is an Imperative Sentence?

The best imperative sentence definition would sound as giving a command or a request. In some cases, it is used to provide some instructions. The verbs should be in imperative mood: sound like commands. These kinds of sentences usually end with a period, but, in certain circumstances, can finish with an exclamation point.
This type reflects what a writer would like to happen:

  • Express a desire
  • Share an invitation
  • Provide instructions
  • Give a command
alarm clock ringing

How to Write an Imperative Sentence?

Do not confuse imperative & indicative verbs! To come up with imperative statements, you should choose the 1st ones: while “do not” is an imperative verb, “did not” is an indicative as it represents a lack of action. It is simple to create a statement of this type. The tone is either fairly neutral or highly emotional. It is up to a writer to decide which one will suit in their story: depending on the decision and mood, the phrase may end up with a period or exclamation mark. What is the difference between this and exclamation phrases? An exclamatory sentence never shares any commands.

Imperative Sentence Examples:

“Please be quiet.”
“Do not go in there; it is dangerous!”
“I would like the latest book in the series.”

What is an Interrogative Sentence?

An interrogative sentence can be best defined as asking a question. It starts with words like “what,” “why,” “how,” “when,” “where,” or “do,” and ALWAYS finishes with a question mark.

calendar with circled date

How to Write an Interrogative Sentence?

It is the simplest type of sentence as all you have to do is add a question mark at the end. It is possible to rearrange the word order within a declarative statement (example: from “Sushi are delicious” to “Are sushi delicious?”

Interrogative Sentence Examples:

“How will you finish this writing task?”
“When is the deadline for the writing assignment?”
“Do you need any help with your essay?”

What is an Exclamatory Sentence?

A definition of an exclamatory sentence is expressing a strong emotion, like happiness, excitement, or surprise. These kinds of sentences finish with an exclamation point. How are they different from declarative phrases? By its nature, an exclamatory sentence is a declarative statement with a single nuance: a writer expresses powerful emotions by adding an exclamation mark at the end.

small puppy sleeping

How to Write an Exclamatory Sentence?

The main idea is to make your words exciting and let the reader imagine your mood during the certain period of time. Share your emotions! It is possible to add such words as “wow” to strengthen the feeling.

Exclamatory Sentence Examples:

“Danger: do not continue unless authorized!”
“I got top marks in class for my essay!”
“You scared the living daylights out of me!”

Top Tips to Success

Here are some extra helpful points:

Try to keep your writing interesting by varying the usage of punctuation & construction of words. It will prevent your essays from becoming monotonous with the same kind of word structures.

Opening with a question can “hook” your readers in and motivate them to read on. A rhetorical question is one of the best hooks. This is a great way to start an introduction to a topic and inspire the audience to study the problem in-depth.

Giving a command injects some energy into a piece of writing. You are literally telling them what to do. It is something that is hard to ignore, and it gets a good amount of attention. Try to use tone to your advantage here. Remember not to overuse exclamation marks in academic or scientific writing as it is unprofessional. It is important to keep a good balance of the punctuation signs and word constructions used

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