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20+ Thesis Statement Examples for Research Paper

Are you working on your high school research paper?

Stuck with writing a powerful thesis statement?

Get useful ideas of how to write a good thesis statement with these thesis statement examples for research paper.

Follow the blog below.

1. What is a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is a brief overview of the entire research. It summarizes the main topic and main points of the research and present them briefly. Even though it is added in the beginning of the research paper, it is written after completing the entire paper.

When writing your thesis statement, please make sure that you do not add all the main points in it. It is written just to give a brief idea of the paper and to encourage the reader to move forward.

It is an important part of the research outline and no paper is complete without it. An outline gives a proper structure to your paper and this is why having a proper and detailed research paper outline is important.

It should be such that the reader gets a complete idea of what your paper is about. It should give a direction to your introduction and body paragraphs and they should support the thesis statement.

Just like a research paper, a good thesis statement is important for an essay also. However, an essay is different, it is less detailed than the one that is for a research paper. For writing a thesis statement for an essay, it can be written in a direct or indirect method.

2. Thesis Statement Examples for Research Paper

To give you a clear and comprehensive idea of what makes a solid thesis statement, we have added over twenty examples here that you can use for your argumentative thesis as well as for other kinds of research papers. Read below to read some good thesis statement examples.

  1. Consumers should quit buying items from the companies and countries that support child labor. Child labor is a crime and it has devastating long term effects.
  2. Atheists follow their own set of rules and social standards that may be different than the mainstream culture. However, this does not make them any less better than the theists and other people.
  1. Human life is precious. Therefore, if drug testing on an animal can result in a cure for a terminal illness and a healthier future then we must make this sacrifice.
  2. College education gives us a chance to learn new things and improve our skills. Though there are examples of successful college dropouts, everyone should go through this stage.
  3. We must be careful about using social media and sharing our personal information online. The information that we share could be passed on to a third party without our permission and used inappropriately.
  4. Even though there is a documentary that is served as an evidence of landing on the Moon, there are fair chances that it is no more than a fluke. More importantly, if it was true then we would have been successful in doing it again.
  5. With a free and unlimited data access on the internet, it is important that parents monitor what their kids are watching on the computer. They can land on harmful sites that could have harmful results.
  6. The method of encouraging the kids for good results and paying them for it is a good way of introducing them to the real world. It will help them understand that if they will work hard and do good work, they will be compensated accordingly.
  7. Advertising regulatory rules should be more rigid. Often, the advertised products do not meet the consumers’ expectations and fails to do what it has claimed.
  8. Instead of spending billions on Mars colonization plans, the government should devise plans to support and help the people in Africa. The money should be used to remove famine and starvation there.
  9. Instead of celebrities, doctors and other medical professionals should be paid high salaries. They save human lives, help us have a better quality of life and spend years to train and study for it.
  10. Euthanasia shoiuld be considered as a person’s legal right to end their life. There could be many reasons to end one’s life and everyone should have equal right to die.
  11. Homeschooling can be an effective and better educational option for many children. It helps the children focus on their special talents and strengths and work to strengthen them.
  12. Going abroad for study purposes can be the most enriching experience for anyone’s life. They will get a chance to learn about another country, culture and language that will add to their experience.
  13. Fashion industry has come a long way to promote diverse body types and models. However, it still needs to work towards promoting a healthy image of female structure and body.
  14. As per research, increasing the rates and taxes on cigarettes does not stop people from buying them. Instead, they should be educated about its negative effects, especially the less privileged society.
  15. A vegan diet can be a great way to acquire a healthy lifestyle. However, restricted food choices would could limit you cultural and food experience when travelling to other parts of the world.
  16. Athletes in the universities should be paid for their services to the university. As a general observation, many of the student athletes come from a low income household and have got the admission on scholarship. To make life easier for them, some compensation plan should be formed.
  17. There are many feminist writers that have voices their concerns regarding the probklems faced by women. However, it talks about the privileged women only. The data related to the conditions of low skilled and paid women is limited.
  18. Assisted suicide should be legalized and supported by the medical and legal board. The procedure would especially benefit the people who are pararlyzed and bedridden for life and could not improve.
  19. To support and help the blue-collar workers and coal miners whose jobs are disappearing from the market, they should be trained to use modern technology that is relevant to their work. A program should be introduced to train these workers and bring them back into employment.
  20. A diverse culture at workplace helps to promote diversity and tolerance among office workers. It also brings different talents together and gain more traction and advantage.
  21. Citizens should be given open access to public libraries. This will encourage them to read and the literacy rate will increase amongst the citizens. Moreover, it will also give a healthy leisure option to the youth.
  22. Work from home opportunities should be introduced by the companies. It will help the people to have a healthy work life balance and healthy mindset. They will be more productive and drive valuable business results.

For creating a strong and impressive thesis statement, it is important that you have an interesting research topics for your paper. Brainstorm and conduct online research to get impressive research paper topics for your research.

3. How to Write a Research Paper Thesis

Writing a thesis statement for a research paper is as important as the entire paper. Do you think that the readers will be interested in reading your research if they will have no clear idea about it? They will not. Before reading the paper, everyone wants to know if it is interesting and has what they are looking for.

A thesis statement format is simple and subtle. With a thesis statement, you want to inform the reader about the main research question while keeping the details for the main research paper sections.

To write a strong thesis statement for a research paper, follow the below guidelines:

  • Make it brief and concise and do not try to add too much in it.
  • Keep it focused and targeted to the main idea.
  • Write it after writing the entire paper because then you will have a better idea of what you have discussed in the paper.
  • Add it after the introduction.
  • Make it informative and interesting for the reader.

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