Things You Need To Avoid for Your Academic Writing Tasks

Things You Need To Avoid for Your Academic Writing Tasks

A lot of times we find students complaining that their written paper was perfect but their professors or teachers didn’t award them with great grades as per their expectations. We are here to remind all such fellas to understand the importance of some significant aspects of writing which can create a negative impact on your overall work. This will help you analyze the concerns and issues which needs your consideration and evidently empower you to make sure that your work is absolutely ideal so that it meets with your teacher’s anticipations. Therefore to ease out the pain points of students who suffer from poor grades even after putting in their hard work including their invested effort and time, here are some things that you need to avoid at all cost, so the next time when you present your work, your evaluator has no option but to give you the best of results.

Compliance Issues

The reason we are mentioning this first is that it can entail so many things that student mind end up doing wrong, all under one umbrella. Compliance is when you listen and pay heed to the recommendations of written work as provided to you by teachers and professors. It can comprise of the total word count required, submission date, type and size of the font to be used along with the approved referencing system that has to be incorporated within your document. It can also mention how to create your cover and title page, what is to come in your headers and footers, and so on and so forth. As a higher education student who is currently in pursuit of their ambitions, belonging from a reputable institute, you must feel it as mandatory to follow all the rules and regulations regarding academic written work as proposed by your institute and its faculty members. Going against these norms can severely hurt your progress and ultimately lead you towards failure.

Not Meeting Learning Objectives

There is no doubt that every written task assigned by teachers and professors has its own purpose that is predefined, and every student should seek to fulfill them as their first priority. We call them as the learning objectives which are the main and primary reason behind asking students to write such affluent and lengthy pieces of paper. If you think that your paper doesn’t address the main concern or the key question regarding the topic, then you should take a closer look and see how you can answer that question in a much more improved manner. Simply submitting a mountain load of work to your teacher or professor is not enough. Your paper must offer value to the reader, hence learning objectives behind the written task has to be accomplished or else your entire document will be considered a waste.


Though we felt that it shouldn’t have to be even mentioned in this post, however, the seriousness regarding the issue is so great that we felt the need to etch this into your minds nevertheless. No school, college, or university will ever show kindness towards those who submit plagiarized work. Hence as the golden rule of thumb, you should never use copy-pasted work into your documents. You should always strive for 100% original and unique work that has your own individualistic voice and thought process instilled within the work. However having said that, there are times when your work becomes unintentionally plagiarized and therefore we highly suggest that you cross-check your work for its originality with the help of a reliable and dependable software. This will allow you to receive a report as to what the problem is if it exists, and then make the required changes in a timely manner.


Simply beating around the same bush and not adding further knowledge to your work can make your paper turn out to be monotonous for your readers and evaluators of work. Hence you need to realize that repeating what you have already mentioned is never looked upon as something favorable by your professors or teachers. Therefore you must structure and plan your written work in such a way that you do not feel the necessary need to mention your points or key elements over and over again. Some students also do this to meet the nifty word count criteria, let’s say they still have a couple of hundred words more to write and instead they opt for repeating their content, which definitely looks bad. Instead of doing this, we highly recommend that you perform a little bit of extra research and incorporate a new idea into your paper that is relevant to the subject and topic you are writing about. This will not only resolve the concern but also add more value to your work.

Unedited Work

When you enter higher education, you must know that the level of scrutiny for everything you do or asked to perform is sky high. There is simply no margin or room for error. Your teachers and professors are going to be extremely strict and stringent regarding your work and therefore you must feel obligated to satisfy their requests. When it comes to written work, the same rule applies over here as well. Hence you need to be extra careful and make sure that your work is completely error-free. To do this, you need to proofread and edit your documents at least thrice. Go through your paper 3 times and not less in order to be sure that you removed all grammatical mistakes, corrected all spelling errors, inserted missing punctuation marks where they were needed, and refined your sentence structure so that they don’t sound improper. Once you are able to this, then you can for sure submit your paper with complete confidence. Remember that even the greatest of writers in the world make mistakes and brilliant writing doesn’t simply happen out of the blue, it takes multiple editing and proofreading to get it to a point where it can be acclaimed as a scholarly piece of work

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