Tips and Tricks on Nursing School Interview Questions

Nursing School Interview Questions

Many job seekers and students claim that nursing school interview questions make them terribly nervous and frightened. Although we have a lot of current tips on how to keep calm, few of them relate to the nursing school entering tests. Thus, our experts are ready to provide you with the top 7 tips on how to prepare for your interview emotionally, physically, and mentally. All pieces of advice are based on personal newcomer nurses', applicants' and examiners' experience. Therefore, we can view different perspectives of the whole process. Be sure - these tips will definitely do the trick.

  1. Interview perception

Most of us consider the interview as some kind of a trap, which nurse school interviewers have prepared for us. It is wrong. Usually, such face-to-face meetings, small talks, and other conversations aim to get acquainted with you as a person and a professional. It means you should be yourself whatever happens. Follow your heart and mind; it will make you more confident and relaxed. Remember that the first impression does matter.

  1. What are your strengths?

It may happen that your Grade point average (GPA) is not as high as you would like it to be. In this case, the interview is the best way to demonstrate that you are actually much better than your GPA. Depending on the person, it can be a great opportunity to better your score and challenge yourself. Whatever, you have to present your strong sides.

  1. Details on school and program

We highly recommend you to figure out some essential points and facts about the particular school and program. It will help you to be on the same page with your interviewers.

  1. Recent nursing news

Examiners often like to have a small talk on the latest research results, the authoritative scientific magazine article on current people's health diseases and illnesses, etc. Knowing such things will prove that you are highly interested in nursing and it is a part of your life.

  1. Training

Try to guess a few possible questions examiners may ask you. For instance, the most popular one: Why do you want to become a nurse? Many of us usually even do not expect such a simple question, and unfortunately, few of us have a proper and clear answer. Try to define the reasons why you want to be a nurse and how it can affect your and patients' life.

  1. Following-up questions

A huge percent of job seekers and students are really scared of following up questions since it may be hard to give a proper answer immediately. However, it is better to think a bit longer than to lie. Forget about lying. Only real facts and experience can help you to pass the interview successfully.

  1. Professionalism

We encourage you to act as a professional. It means you should be confident (firm handshake and eye contact) and follow the interview rules on dress code (if necessary). Also, follow some more simple rules, which will help you to be calm and concentrated.

  • Do not be late. It is a sign of lousy manners. Arriving a few minutes before will allow you to find a parking spot or get a cup of coffee. Also, it usually takes some time to find the office and a particular floor or room. Of course, if something happened and you cannot arrive on time, you have to call and let them know about your unexpected circumstances.
  • Be polite with all office and school members.
  • Switch off your devices.
  • Do not try to make examiners feel sorry for you because of high taxes or a big family (avoid taking children or other family members to the interview). It might be too awkward and weird.
  • Be yourself. Although there are a set of particular rules on how you should act during your interview - still you have to be genuine, not fake. We believe that the most effective way to pass the interview successfully is to follow your heart and feelings. Be open-minded and flexible.
  • Do not forget to thank everybody whom you have met this day.

Common School Nursing Interview Questions

Job seekers and students are wrong when they prepare answers only for some specific questions and do not draw attention to the common school nursing interview questions. Therefore, we encourage you to look at the most popular nursing interview questions right now.

  1. Can you briefly describe your goals and aims?
  2. What do you plan to do in 5 years?
  3. Why and how did you decide to become a nurse? What drives you?
  4. How can you improve this area? Do you have any ideas, which you want to implement?
  5. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  6. Why do you suit this position more than others?
  7. Are you a stress-resistant person? Give some examples.
  8. A good and bad nurse: what is the difference?
  9. How does a perfect nurse look like?

These simple questions may cause you a lot of problems if you have to answer them immediately. Therefore, we highly encourage you to think about similar questions and be ready to answer them clearly and effectively.

Classification of the Interview Questions for Nursing School

Classification of the Interview Questions for Nursing School

Interview questions for nursing school may be also different and depend on many aspects. First of all, it depends on the personal interviewer's features, number of examiners, and information they have in the application form about each respondent before the interview. However, usually, nurse schools have a common set of particular questions, which they use to recruit new people. We may divide them into the following five groups:

  1. So-called open questions.
  2. Soft and hard skills questions.
  3. Questions on personal features.
  4. Questions on a particular issue related to the vacancy.
  5. General questions on global nursing issues.

Let Us Consider Each of These Types a Bit Beeper

  • Open questions are pretty similar to the common questions we mentioned above.

The most popular open or common questions are:

  1. Can you introduce yourself, please?
  2. What drives you to become a nurse and teach in our school?
  3. What new ideas do you have on improving nursing?
  4. Why should we choose you?
  • Soft and hard skills questions

More and more employers want you to be an active person full of both soft and hard skills. That is why interviewers pay so much attention to your daily life, hobbies, domestic chores, friends and even family. This question group includes:

  1. Do you have any hobbies? What would you like to be if you could not be a nurse?
  2. How can your friends describe you? (three bad and good features)
  3. What would you like to change in yourself? Why, why not?
  • Questions on personal features

This set of questions aims to look at your personality in-depth and estimate your effectiveness.

  1. Can you call yourself a leader? Why, why not? Provide some examples.
  2. Have you ever worked under pressure? Does it affect your efficiency?
  3. Can you easily go on with strangers? What strategies do you use to meet new people?
  4. Questions on particular issues related to the vacancy.
  • Questions on a particular issue related to the vacancy

There are also many controversial medical and ethical issues, which interviewers may ask you to clear up your own opinion or point of view about some issues. Such questions show your competence level and represent whether you feel and understand the complexity of the problems in general.

  1. Euthanasia: pros and cons?
  2. Should we tell how much time left for a patient to live: medical, ethical and law aspects?
  3. The issue of organ transplantation: what are the criteria to use when you deal with organ transplantation?
  • General questions on global nursing issues

Show your interviewer that you are well familiar with a current health situation in your particular country or others.

  1. Top urgent problems to solve?
  2. Medicare and Medicaid - difference and applying?
  3. Healthcare system changing: ideas, complains, and necessity?

These interview questions for nursing school may help you to draw attention to some particular groups of questions and easily pass the first stage of the interview.

Chosen Interview Questions Examples

Specific interview questions examples are useful to get ready for the real interview and answer them the way you like most. Of course, some of these questions we have considered previously, but still, in this new list, we have some more relevant questions.

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