Tips on How to Write a Descriptive Essay

Tips on How to Write a Descriptive Essay

NOVEMBER 19, 2018

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

On the surface, a descriptive essay looks complicated, but it’s one of the simplest academic pieces you can write. A student is required to describe the facts in detail about the topic they chose. Keep reading to learn expert advice on how to write a perfect essay.

You will be required to apply your prior knowledge about the subject based on your sense of taste, smell, touch, feel or sight.

Crafting an impressive piece will demand some academic skills and of course extra time. We can offer professional writing assistance while you concentrate on the critical matters of your studies. Place an order for a high-quality descriptive essay now.


A descriptive essay is simply an essay paper describing a topic in a refined detail. But what are the main unique elements that set it apart from the other essays? One of the essential elements that make this form of paper different from the others is the use of vivid language, emotions, and feelings.

A student will be expected to apply rich descriptive vocabulary, narrative and persuasive message to create an image of the subject. Some of the topics common in the academic field describe an individual, events, place, behavior, occupation, experience, animal or any other object.

Still, if completing such an essay proves difficult to you, contact us, and we would be glad to lend a helping hand to write the piece in just a few hours. Our online experts can work on any topic and deliver it before the deadline.


If you fail to capture the attention with a persuasive conversion, in the beginning, it will be a huge flaw. Use eye-grabbing hook to attract the reader’s attention. A good idea is to incorporate literal quotes, simile, poetry lines, metaphors, catchy facts, and jokes.

Draw an engaging narrative by setting the scene as an introduction to the subject.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to put in endless hours and struggle to write an essay. Our native writers can assist you in formulating a descriptive piece that without a doubt will earn the best grade possible.


Good ideas and advice come from all corners. However, the proven way to end up with A-grade paper is by putting facts in the deserving section. Each part of the essay needs to carry the necessary weight to attract positive outcomes and effects.

If you settle for a human essay, describe the individual’s appearance, behavior or qualities. Likewise, an essay topic on an event or place should detail breathtaking scenery and experiences from visiting a gig, hotel or festival.

Unlike other essays, the depiction is very crucial in writing a descriptive essay. Your illustrations will solely depend on every explanation and account of the subject.

The primary goal is to create content that sounds artistic and formal. If you experience any hurdle getting the precise essay topics, no problem! We have a select pool of outstanding topics that tutors prefer.


Without a concrete plan, the chances are that your essay will be a mix of an inconsistent narrative. A good outline must have an engaging introduction, a comprehensive body, and a conclusion.

An outline is your action plan before you embark on writing the essay. Creativity will be needed to expound on your ideas and imagination when outlining the different segments to include in your essay. The standard practice is to create an outline listing the details of each paragraph.

Also, the outline structure is your point of reference when you are compiling an academic paper.


The topic that you chose will be the basis of your structure. A student should mind the chronology of events if they are working on a place essay.  However, you should stick to your feelings rather than using researched facts as the primary source of the content.

You should use a pattern that fits well with your topic. Spatial pattern is preferred when detailing a location while a chronological model is best suited for an event essay. For a paper requiring a description of a process or a ‘how to’ guide, then a functional style is your best choice.

As mention above, you should use your human senses and experiences to analyze the specimen. If a student gets it right, he will have succeeded in making the readers feel as though they share the same experience or emotions as you.


A pleasant essay utilizes an enticing introduction enough to convince a reader interested. Apply a hook sentence with a vivid description that grabs a reader’s attention from the very beginning.

Why is the introduction important? The first paragraph is what the reader lands his eyes on first. Fail to impress, and the reader becomes bored. For sure, they won’t have the desire to continue reading.

A brilliant strategy is to use phrases or questions that trigger suspense. By using this idea at your advantage, a reader will proceed to read all though to satisfy his curiosity.

Make a point of writing an introduction that shed a brief overview of the constituent of your essay body.

The trick is to conceal the objective of the paper and instead give a hint to the real intention that is highlighted by the body.


The body proceeds after an introduction. This is the major section of your essay. It captures all the details and points in support of your statements. You should aim to be concise in your writing to limit it to 3-5 body paragraphs.

What is unique to descriptive essays is that reference page are not mandatory like other academic papers.

Make use of topic sentences appear clearly at the start of every paragraph. Then you can go ahead and write your descriptions to add weight to your ideas.

For a perfect outcome, paragraphs should be linked with good transition and conjunction words. Besides this, you should organize the paragraphs in merit to enhance clarity and easiness to read. Each thought should be placed its own paragraph.

Your paragraph should not be either too long or short plus it should be limited to just six sentences.

It takes some skills to tell your story well. This is true if you integrate the correct facts in your body. Write relevant and exact details to back up your information. This is the unwritten rule of academic writing.

The audience’s interest in reading a paper progressively wanes. To keep them attentive all through, entice and use curiosity about the unknown conclusion. Make the ending so captivating that the reader will be left longing for more.

You can keep in touch with the best practices of academic writing, by hiring our expertise to assist and evaluate all the elements needed to write a copy. We can write a descriptive essay on your behalf.


The last part is as good as the beginning. A perfect ending will leave a lasting impression. Be creative and tailor your conclusion to bring to light the concepts that embody the motive of the paper. Hint the reader to the end to infuse the desired effect.

The last thing to do is to review the essay to make sure everything is as exactly as expected. Eliminate any, punctuation, grammar or spelling errors while proofreading. Lastly, make sure the essay instructions are followed to the letter.


There is no shortcut to writing a descriptive paper (essay) but implementing tested, and proven strategies can save your time and consequently award you an opportunity to submit a polished paper worth high scores. Check some of the tips;

  • Brainstorm and make a list of random ideas on a draft. This will come in handy when compiling paper.
  • Use online grammar and plagiarism checking tools to validate authenticity and flag down errors.
  • Avoid use of clichés. Do not use wordy phrases in your essay as this distorts clarity.
  • Harness the magic advantages of using suspense to lure the reader into reading the rest of the texts.
  • Begin with the most exciting ideas and finish off with less interesting
  • Maintain sensory appeal within the narrative. Vivid description and use of at most two sensory parts is a huge plus in a descriptive essay.
  • Write only authentic details after a thorough fact-checking for consistency and relevancy of the data.
  • Account your points in a chronological style especially an event paper.
  • Have an extra pair of eyes go through your essay. This validates your earlier assignment as a student.


My Grandfather’s Car

            When my grandfather passed away, there wasn’t much left of his belongings for the grandkids to inherit.  We didn’t care.  We loved the old man and were just glad his fortunes had outlasted his need, even if it was a close race.  Each of us got one thing that had been treasured by him.  My gift was the old car that he’d had parked in his garage for the past 10 years.  It was a 1986 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme.  It was a big old car, an old multi-shaded white with brown pinstripes running down the sides and large rust spots here and there from the years he parked it under a tree.  I wasn’t so worried about the outside, though.  That could be easily fixed by a simple paint job.  The engine was nothing to worry about either.  Although the car was old, it was built with a strong engine to begin with, and one of my uncles had taken it around the block at least once a month to keep it in good working order.  The problem wasn’t the outside or the engine; it was the inside of the car.  Between the upholstery, the amenities and the odor, I wasn’t sure I could handle being seen driving it home.

The first thing I noticed as I walked up to the car was the condition of the upholstery.  It was a rather putrid shade of vomit brownish tan with a busy pattern of darker checks and mysterious stains splotching its surface.  This was nicely contrasted with the faded and cracked surface of the once bright yellow spongy stuffing intended to cushion the springs inside of the fabric seats that was sticking out here and there, particularly at the tops of the seats.  It looked as if Fluffy the cat had been dragged, scratching and yowling, on one too many trips to the veterinarian’s office without her cage.

Thinking about these trips with the yowling cat digging her claws into everything she could, I slid behind the wheel surveying my new property.  The radio was an old AM/FM only, not even the hint of a CD player or anything remotely digital.  Boy, they really lived a deprived life back then.  The windshield wipers didn’t even offer an intermittent function, which was going to be an issue whenever it drizzled.  What were you supposed to do, keep flipping them on and off or just sit and listen to the things squeak across a mostly dry windshield when you drove through fog?  There were no temperature controls on the dashboard, no GPS device, no way of setting automatic seat adjustments or any of the amenities you might expect out of a basic car package.

As I opened the door of the car, I couldn’t help but noticed the odor.  It can only be described as old man odor.  Not everyone has it, but it’s unmistakable when one smells it.  It came wafting out of the car like a malevolent ghost, almost palpable in its presence.  I analyzed it a little as I sat there.  It was a combination of dust, decaying sponge, decomposing plastic and mint mouth drops.

I think it was the mint that got me.  Suddenly, I wasn’t thinking about the inconveniences of the ‘old man’ anymore.  He was my grandfather.  He was an elegant old man who couldn’t help but let things fall apart in his older days, when he couldn’t even keep himself from falling apart.  There was nothing anyone could do to keep him from decaying and becoming obsolete in the modern world.  However, driving this car, whether in its current state or fixed up plush, I could remember how quickly things can change.

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