Tips To Avoid Procrastination In College

Tips To Avoid Procrastination In College

Are you guilty of waiting to complete assignments until the absolute last minute? Do you find yourself pulling all-nighters fueled by coffee? If so, you are most likely suffering from procrastination — but you’re not alone. Many college students are guilty of this bad habit, but it not definitely not the best way to handle your academic career. In fact, the habits connected with procrastination such as delaying assignments until the last minute, lack of sleep, drinking too much caffeine are very bad for your grades and your health. Clearly, if you give yourself enough time to complete assignments; this will result in better quality work, higher grades and a healthier lifestyle. Here are some tips we have compiled that will help you beat procrastination this semester.

  • Create a to-do list. Write down the tasks that you need to accomplish according to their priority. This will ensure that you do not forget important tasks. 
  • Deal with large tasks in steps. If you have a lengthy project to complete, don’t try to finish it within 24 hours. Instead, break down the tasks in baby steps and mark each goal in your calendar. Each task should have a set deadline.
  • Get rid of distractions. In order to make sure that you do not fall prey to temptation, it is advisable to plan your study time in a place that is free from distractions such as television, the internet and friends. Programs such as RescueTime are great at helping track how much you spend on each activity on internet and can help you keep focused on the task at hand.
  • Find a Study Partner. A study partner is a great way of holding yourself accountable to getting set tasks done on time. You and your study partner can adhere to a set schedule that will force you to complete tasks on time. In addition, a study partner can offer you motivation when you really do not feel like opening those books.
avoiding procrastination in college
  • Extend the time you spend on studying in intervals. If you dedicate 15 minutes per day to a task, you can extend that 15 minutes into 20 and then into 25 minutes on a weekly basis. Studying for longer periods of time will become a habit and will help you finish more tasks in the long-term.
  • Reward yourself. All work and no play can make it hard to keep focused and motivated, so remember to reward yourself for your achievements with things such as walks, time with friends, and a great meal. The key is to find a healthy balance between your academic life and personal life. You’re less likely to procrastinate if you’re happy, healthy, and motivated!

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