Tips to Become a Successful Student

20 Tips to Become a Successful Student

HomeBlog20 Tips To Become A Successful Student

how to be a successful student

query_builder April 26, 2018

Many students wonder and ask themselves and more experienced fellow students how to be successful in college. And while the definition of success may vary for every person, we would like to remind you that there are general tips that can improve both the quality of your life and studying process.

So here are our top 20 tips for a successful student!

1. Avoid working/studying in your room.

Scientists say that it is better to separate the place where you rest from the studying environment. This way, you will get into the studying mood easily without having to motivate yourself to get out of bed. It might be a good idea (if you cannot study on campus) to create a study-place in your room.

2.  Don’t let yourself stay too long during the night session.

Despite your regime, it is always better to have a good sleep rather than trying to cram for the class and come in overcaffeinated.

3. Plan your time properly

If you have a hectic schedule during the week, you need to devote time to reading and writing during your weekends. We know how hard it may be to motivate yourself to study, but in order to keep up with everything on your plate, you need to plan your time properly.

4.  Do your homework the day it is assigned.

If you have a task to complete, an essay to write or a project to prepare, at least sketch a plan while the information from class is still fresh in your memory.

5. Plan your time and things to do.

While you may think that a classic student planner is not what you need, the thing is that it can help you keep track of all the classes, due dates, appointments, as well as plan your time to have some sort of social life.

6. Have a backup copy of all important information and bigger assignments.

If technology allows, use online word processors that automatically save and back up data. In case your laptop dies, you still will be able to access your research project from another computer.

7. Have some meal

Among other successful student habits, having a breakfast is what helps your body run through the day and keeps your brain fueled. And you won’t embarrass yourself with a growling stomach in class.

8. Exercise as often as possible for at least 15 minutes.

Jog around the campus, walk to the coffee shop, do the crunches or simply go to the pool. Whatever you choose, remember that it is not a torture, so have fun!

9. Think about networking.

If you are certain about your major and are planning to pursue a career in the specific field, make sure to research the opportunities, attend conferences and meet people from the industry. The sooner you begin doing it, the wider network you may build by the time you graduate. Get to know your professors and establish respectful relationships with them.

10. Learn to be on time wherever you go.

This is a great habit of every successful person. Value your time and time of people in your life. And while some people say that it is good to be 10 to 15 minutes earlier, we would say that being in time is just perfect (even if it means standing around the cover for 5 minutes).

11. Get some extra credit.

Even the most successful people tend to fail sometimes. So in order to maintain a higher score, get yourself some backup.

12. Never make a rash decision. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed with the stress in our life, which makes us think about dropping out or switching majors, skipping a class or missing an appointment. Unless you are 100% sure in your decision, give yourself some time to think the things over.

13. Use e-books as much as possible.

Not only do they take less space, but also can speed the process up. You can highlight important things, make notes and then search through your notes.

14. Contact your professors.

We bet you know that all the teaching stuff has their office hours, during which you are welcome to come, ask questions, clarify the requirements, or pass the test, which you’ve missed. However, you can use these hours to seek additional reading and ask career advice as well.

15. Record your lectures (if allowed).

Not only will you be able to speed you revision process while preparing for an exam, but also highlight things you might have missed.

16. Say yes to opportunities.

Sometimes people are scared of all the great things coming their way because it means their lives are about to change. Learn to value such opportunities, as they can bring some significant experience into your life.

17. Volunteer.

Not only because it will look great on your resume, but also in order to change the world into a better place, even if it means cleaning the campus territory. It will also help you see the change you can bring into the world.

18. Find a job.

We are not talking about a full-time job. But saving money (especially with a student loan) is always a good idea. If possible, look for something related to your major; if not, check your campus board for some jobs available.

19. Meditate.

As one of the professors said, the stress can cause all sorts of illnesses. So in order to stay healthy, you need to keep calm. Check some online apps for the guided meditation to help you reach the mental balance.

20. Have some rest.

Learning to value those precious moments of relaxation, having fun with your friends or simply enjoying a good book can not only improve your mood but also keep your college motivation high.

Successful student characteristics

Not everything in our life can be achieved through proper planning. Very often, we are dependent on other people so here is the list of traits you need to work on in order to maintain human contact: empathy; reasonable judgment; communication skills.

As you can see, a successful student is a realistic goal to achieve.

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