Tragedy of the Commons, Garrett Hardin demonstrates the situation of shared resources amongst a group, but the benefits are gained by individuals Assignment | Top Universities
Tragedy of the Commons, Garrett Hardin demonstrates the situation of a shared resources amongst a group, but the benefits are gained by individuals. Hardin’s essay is center around “educate and exhort the users, so they understand the consequences of abusing the resource”.
Tragedy of the Commons as Hardin defines it is, tendency for common property resource to be over-exploited because no one has an incentive to conserve the resource while individual financial incentives promote expanded exploitation. The relationship between an individual’s interests and the common goods becomes complicated when renewable free-access resources become easily accessible without any regulation policy. Garrett Hardin explains, an individuals interests, “If I do not use this resources, someone else will. The little bit I use or pollute is not enough to matter, and such resources are renewable anyway.” As rational human beings, we seek to maximize our gains. Individual’s who benefit from free resources, we are locked into a system that lets us act irrationally in increasing our benefits without limits in this world that is limited, as each person pursues for their own interest in a society that believes in freedom of the commons. Get English homework help today