Training/Implementation of Employees

Training/Implementation of Employees
The type of training for system hardware/software installation, support, maintenance, and modification would be job specific. Since MOA is a global company it would be recommended that the majority of training take place online. However some training would require field practice and classroom training. Training would cover the three identified areas in the BCP (Control, basic causes, and practices and conditions). Therefore, it is recommended that MOA work with an outside vendor to create customized training modules. Regardless of position an employee would be required to understand the basic controls of equipment, task preparedness, and safety protocols.

Some of the basic training would take place during orientation while other training lessons would occur over the course of employment. Once an employee completed a specific module or section of training there would be certifications and classifications awarded. Failure to comply with or show relevant competency could result in the disciplinary action up to and including termination. A general company practice would be to prohibit employees from working in the mines until they had at least a fundamental understanding and certification in key areas. Employees who failed to complete appropriate training within a specified time frame would be provided remedial training opportunities.

The U.S. Department of Labor Mine Safety and Health Administration has a catalog with relevant courses. It is recommended that MOA purchase course materials and have them available at each mining site so that employees are able to go through the appropriate modules. Courses cover topics including coal firing safety, conveyor belt safety, pipeline safety, hidden hazards, and material handling safety at surface mines, mills, and plants. Additionally, MOA should consider (AMS) Atmospheric Monitoring Systems training. This would require site specific instructions for responding to explosions and unexpected mine hazards. It would also provide employees with protocols, for documenting and reporting issues of non-compliance (, 2011).

Periodically, it would be beneficial if MOA had drills, and other internal mechanisms for testing employee knowledge. Not only would this increase employee preparedness it would also ensure future audits were successful. The more confident and prepared employees are to handle job duties, and deal with any compliance issues, the less work-related downtime.

Several other areas of training and implementation would be vital. This includes transportation and communication in underground coal mines. This training would either need to be a simulation that was mine specific or training that actually included diagrams of the relevant mines. If diagrams were used they should include locations of latent safety hazards located in the mine (, 2011). It could also be useful to review previous disasters such as the Benxihu Colliery, Courrieres Coal mine, and the Coalbrook mine incidents. This would create opportunities for relevant training that was based on actual events that had previously occurred.

Since the goal is to maintain sensitive company information computer modules combined with ongoing classroom training would focus on classification. In other words employees would learn how to identify information based on specific classifications and how to protect information that they identified as exposed. They would also receive information on MOA policies, procedures, and any relevant disciplinary actions taken in the event of an information breach. Such information training would be ongoing especially as employees gained additional job responsibilities and promotions. Employees would only be allowed to receive passwords based on their level of clearance.

As part of the training employees should have a field trip (during orientation) to the emergency coordination centers. There would be continual simulations and drills of what to do in the event of an explosion in terms of safety, communication, reporting, and securing of sensitive data. They would also be introduced to the emergency coordinator who would be a liaison available to answer any employee questions. Each mining team (which would likely be based on work shifts) would have a safety ambassadors. This would be a volunteer position but could include a small stipend. The role of the workplace safety ambassador would be to identify field hazards, plan ongoing compliance training with the emergency coordinator, and provide employee feedback. As stated in the Business Contingency Plan there will be both electronic and hard copy documentation. Examples of electronic documentation would include documentation of drilling procedures, and inventory of materials collected (i.e. rhodium). There would also be online reporting of any workplace safety issues identified and employee compliance. It would also be important to document system hardware and software inventory (see appendices A & B).

Identification of Risks/Implementation
With the constant changing of technology MOA must continue to observe trends in relevant technology and make appropriate changes. When there are identified changes that are necessary to secure the network infrastructure this must be addressed. There must also be an ongoing assessment of security requirements, anticipated response times, and system backups. In a global company ensuring that power outages or disasters don’t significantly hinder progress is critical. Further, it would be critical to quickly ascertain potential breaches and how to respond appropriately (, 2015).

In addition to hardware and software requirements there must be an understanding of the needs for database, data, and facility requirements. During the design of each mining facility MOA must consider critical questions like physical facility needs, required accommodations, particularly during the period of system implementation. It would be important that MOA has a system that is scalable so that as the company grows and has emergent needs it can adapt (, 2015).

Finally, it’s recommended that MOA hire an outside consulting firm to evaluate system performance. This could include attempting to hack into the system to see how vulnerable MOA would be to cyberattacks. Such practices create a system that is safer, stronger, and increases client confidence. There would also be the establishment of a site integration team. This team would be essential during the implementation of control procedures, database integration, and any relevant data updates. The integration team would also be responsible for updating protocols concerning recovery procedures, and operating procedures (, 2015)

References (2011). Catalog of Training Products for the Mining Industry. Retrieved from (2015). Implementation Plan. Retrieved from

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