Unique Strategies for Goal Setting

3 Unique Strategies for Goal Setting

Mature woman writing in diary while working at home

There are so many different ways to frame your goals, beyond the typical S.M.A.R.T. goal model! If you’re working hard, but not getting the results you want, it could be time to re-evaluate your goals, and approach them differently using these three frameworks.

1. Kylego Goals

What it is:

With Kylego goals, you talk about events as if they have already happened, and envision your future as if it’s already taken place. You reflect upon all your successes, describing the feelings, and actions of the goals as if they have already been accomplished. This helps stimulate motivation and build confidence. 

A Kylego goal will sound something like this: “It’s the year 2022, and so much has changed. I quit my job and now run a successful consulting firm like I always dreamed of. We just hired our 3rd full-time employee which has allowed me to take on even more business. Now I work from home and get to spend more time with my family. I also wrote a book that won two awards. Last week, I returned from my trip through Asia which was on my bucket list for years. It feels great that my life is moving in this direction”

Why it works:

Kylego goals encourage expansive thinking. Often times, we stick to goals that we feel are realistic. However, when you’re mapping out your dreams, sometimes it pays to think big and not confine yourself to what you perceive to be within reach. While being practical can be good, it can stop us from following our gut.

How to start:

  • Grab a partner, and talk out your Kylego goals. Next, one partner shares while the other listens, with probing questions like “Wow, that’s amazing, tell me more”,
  • Make sure to talk about events as if they’ve already happened. Instead of saying “It’s 2020 and I want to do XYZ”, say “Its 2020 and I did XYZ, and boy was it ever a success!”
  • Once you have verbalized all your goals, think about each event you’ve described, and outline 3 action items you can do this month to bring you closer to those goals.
  • Take some time to watch this video on how Kylego goals work.

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2. Accountability Partner

What it is:

An accountability partner is someone you meet with on a regular basis to discuss your goals. Each session, both members of the partnership state their larger goals, and what actions they can do that week to make progress on them. Once these actions are established, the partners can give each other feedback and advice. The partners then reconnect the following week to discuss how things went, and what they were able to accomplish. 

The goal of these sessions is to talk about the progress you’re making, provide feedback on the challenges you’re facing, and remain accountable and committed to your goals. 

Why it works:

Having an external force to check in with frequently will help hold you true to your word. This partnership helps you increase your own accountability towards your goals, which then helps drive your actions. Having the ability to share and receive direct feedback on the obstacles you face can also be extremely motivating and creates momentum. 

How to start:

  • Think of someone you want to partner with. This should be someone you feel comfortable with, someone who challenges and will be honest with you and will show up each week with their own accountability and commitment.
  • Set a cadence and decide the format of each meeting.
  • Listen to each other’s goals and provide input and feedback on how you think they could improve. Encourage your partner to set meaningful and measurable goals, while also challenging any negative self-beliefs they might have. For example, if you notice them saying “I can’t do XYZ”, you can ask them to explore that thought and explain why.
  • At the end of each session, you should both have laid out action items or milestones to complete before the next meeting.

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3. Quadrant of productivity

What it is:

Often times, we set goals and priorities, without really thinking about their impact or importance. When it comes to productivity and goals, the quadrant of productivity encourages us to first think about where we are spending most of our time, and then decide if these actions will bring us closer to deep and meaningful work. When thinking about your goals, it helps to map them out in a productivity quadrant with these four sections:

  1. Urgent but not important
  2. Urgent and important
  3. Not urgent and not important
  4. Not urgent but important

Why this works:

Going through this process will quickly highlight where you’re spending most of your time, and recognize when your urgent tasks may not be that urgent. This is a great way to get rid of the “too busy” feeling and help you move towards mastery of your long term goals.

How to start:

  • Think about all the tasks that run your calendar from 9:00-5:00, and list them out, with how long each takes.
  • Grab this template, and start placing your tasks in your own productivity quadrant.
  • Give yourself some time to review this matrix and reshuffle your day based on the results!

There are many different ways to plot your goals against your aspirations, and each perspective will bring a unique value to your life. Continue to evaluate, and re-evaluate your goals, and you’ll be set on a great path to productivity and achievement! 

Stacy Pollack is a human resources professional who helps employees, leaders, and organizations develop through innovative programs. She is passionate about creating opportunities for people to advance in their career while creating a productive and engaging workplace. She loves sharing insights on workplace development, career building, and networking for success. 

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