Write a paper in which you:

Explain what the USA PATRIOT Act stands for and discuss its primary purpose
Summarize an article about a recent example of a hate crime (within the last year) on the Internet and include why it was a hate crime, the characteristics that made it a hate crime, and how the police and court responded to the hate crime.
Compare the characteristics of intelligence and investigation and describe how the information from each is used.

Go to to locate at least three (3) quality references for this assignment, including the initial article. One must have been published within the last year. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Explain the various digital laws and legislation in support of law enforcement.
Explain the ethical concerns that information technologies raise in society and the impact of information technologies on crime, terrorism, and war.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in information technology in criminal justice.
Write clearly and concisely about information technology in criminal justice topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
Paper CommentsName: CIS 170 Assignment 3: USA PATRIOT Act
Description: 1194 CIS 170 Assignment 3: USA PATRIOT Act

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Unacceptable Meets Minimum Expectations Fair Proficient Exemplary
1. Explain what the USA PATRIOT Act stands for and discuss its primary purpose 
Points Range: 0 (0%) - 13.28 (17.7%)
Did not submit or incompletely explained what the USA PATRIOT Act stands for. Did not submit or incompletely discussed its primary purpose.

Points Range: 13.5 (18%) - 15.52 (20.7%)
Insufficiently explained what the USA PATRIOT Act stands for and insufficiently discussed its primary purpose.

Points Range: 15.75 (21%) - 17.78 (23.7%)
Partially explained what the USA PATRIOT Act stands for and partially discussed its primary purpose.

Points Range: 18 (24%) - 20.02 (26.7%)
Satisfactorily explained what the USA PATRIOT Act stands for and satisfactorily discussed its primary purpose.

Points Range: 20.25 (27%) - 22.5 (30%)
Thoroughly explained what the USA PATRIOT Act stands for and thoroughly discussed its primary purpose.
2. Summarize an article about a recent example of a hate crime on the Internet and include why it was a hate crime, the characteristics that made it a hate crime, and how the police and court responded to the hate crime. 
Points Range: 0 (0%) - 13.28 (17.7%)
Did not submit or incompletely summarized an article about a recent example of a hate crime on the Internet. Did not submit or incompletely included why it was a hate crime, the characteristics that made it a hate crime, and how the police and court responded to the hate crime.

Points Range: 13.5 (18%) - 15.52 (20.7%)
Insufficiently summarized an article about a recent example of a hate crime on the Internet and insufficiently included why it was a hate crime, the characteristics that made it a hate crime, and how the police and court responded to the hate crime.

Points Range: 15.75 (21%) - 17.78 (23.7%)
Partially summarized an article about a recent example of a hate crime on the Internet and partially included why it was a hate crime, the characteristics that made it a hate crime, and how the police and court responded to the hate crime.

Points Range: 18 (24%) - 20.02 (26.7%)
Satisfactorily summarized an article about a recent example of a hate crime on the Internet and satisfactorily included why it was a hate crime, the characteristics that made it a hate crime, and how the police and court responded to the hate crime.

Points Range: 20.25 (27%) - 22.5 (30%)
Thoroughly summarized an article about a recent example of a hate crime on the Internet and thoroughly included why it was a hate crime, the characteristics that made it a hate crime, and how the police and court responded to the hate crime.
3. Compare the characteristics of intelligence and investigation and describe how the information from each is used. 
Points Range: 0 (0%) - 11.06 (14.75%)
Did not submit or incompletely compared the characteristics of intelligence and investigation. Did not submit or incompletely described how the information from each is used.

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