Useful tips to write a successful case study on Law

Useful tips to write a successful case study on Law

Aug 12, 2012Law is one subject area that is highly evolving by nature. However, it is also one of the oldest subjects that have been extant for thousands of years. Quite rightly said that Law is the rule of the right, it is one of those subjects that take cues from precedence in the applications of the laws already in use. Thus, this particular nature of Law makes it very important to publish cases or the outcomes of the same for future references.Law case studies, of all subjects, are all the more important given that most cases refer to earlier cases. Thus the publication of cases is very important for the Law fraternity to thrive on as well as base their cases and decisions on. However, since Law is one area that is truly exacting as well as case based by nature, writing a case study on the field of Law can be quite a tough task unless one knows how to precisely go about it. Here are some points that may prove to be helpful while writing a case in Law:

Factual Appropriateness

All facts of the case should be in place. The facts should be absolutely exact and there is no room for approximations. There should be absolutely no misses in these facts and the case should include all relevant information in order to structure it properly as well as base the outcomes of the same on these facts. The dates, time, people involved, other circumstantial as well as factual evidence should be mentioned properly and unambiguously.

Procedural History

The procedural history of the case has to be written meticulously. The entire process by dint of which the case has finally come to a conclusion or for that matter judgment has to be mentioned methodically. The trials, verdicts, judgments as well as rulings of the case have to be properly mentioned. These stand for the essential aspects that make up the complete case - one that may be referred to in future. It should be noted in this regard that the decisions of the court are largely dependent on these aspects of precedence created in the past cases.


Also, while writing a case study is the underlying reasoning on which the case is based. This is as important as the other factors mention since it is crucial to know why the court came to a particular conclusion in the precise way they did it. The underlying logic behind the final verdict should become transparent so that the reader realizes the line of thought behind the judgment. This gives enough insights to the people reading the particular case study to use these pieces of information in future cases.

Agreeing or Disagreeing

Lastly, one should also mention whether one is concurring or dissenting the final judgment passed by the judge on the particular case. This also helps in exploring the case further as well as developing alternative opinions on the same that may be valuable while referring to the case in future. Also, agreeing or disagreeing with the judgment gives readers further insight into the other probable conclusions that the case may have led to. This is very important keeping in mind that readers would like to develop their methods to some particular case based on their readings of cases. So one should provide all alternative judgments for pleading in the court to channelize the decisions in the ways they want.

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