Valentine’s Special: Top 5 romantic videos on YouTube

Valentine’s Special: Top 5 romantic videos on YouTube

It’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow and love is definitely in the air (come on, don’t look so cynical!). But do you need inspiration to show someone special how you feel?INTO’s Vicky Taylor shares her pick of the top 5 romantic videos to get you in the mood for February 14th…

1. Be brave and tell the whole campus how you feel

Secretly admire someone but don’t know how to get their attention? Get a little help from your friends! Let that special person know all the things you love about them before bursting into a dance performance that would make the Glee cast proud. You can tell from this video that the lucky girl is kept guessing who her secret admirer is right up to the end – brave and brilliant. We take our hats off to you.

2. Give the house décor a romantic makeover

Sneak into your loved one’s bedroom or study while they’re out and decorate the place with one hundred hearts of hand-written notes detailing every little thing you love about them. This is a great idea for long-distance relationships as you could write the heart notes and mail them to a mutual friend who will take care of the decorating. True Valentine’s Day inspiration. 

3. Express your love Korean-style with matching outfits

Student fashion is famous for its quirky sense of style, so there is no better time to explore fashion fads than when you’re at university. This is one trend we would love to see catch on around the world, although sharing a pair of mittens may be a step too far (even for us).

4. Write some long-distance love letters

If you’ve had to leave a loved one at home to study abroad, you’ll know how Devin feels in this video as he waves goodbye to his wife to be deployed in a country far from home for 8 months. However, he leaves her a box containing a love note for every day he’ll be away – that’s 241 hand-written love notes prepared before he set sail. A selection of the letters got over 26 millions view on Reddit.

5. Set up a flash mob wedding proposal

Ready to pop the question? Take some inspiration from Nam’s proposal to his college sweetheart Trang. Nam took his girlfriend back to the campus where they met to take part in a performance with Flash Mob America, leading to his marriage proposal in front of friends, family members and the entire campus of UCLA.

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