Ways to Stop Hating College Writing

8 Ways to Stop Hating College Writing

college writing

Writing can be really frustrating. First, quite often, there’s just too much of it. Second, most people would probably prefer doing tons of other things to writing that paper. Third, in some cases you try really hard, but don’t get a satisfying result in the end.

Yeah. All of that is very sad. Nevertheless, you still need to know how to write. You’ll need that skill one way or another: either to get a scholarship you really need or to write a business letter, that will help you close that million-dollar deal.

To help you succeed, we’ve created a list of 8 ways to stop hating college writing. Some of them are aimed at changing your perception of this process, others at helping you to get better at it. The combination of these may actually do miracles. So, sit back, relax and prepare to love your next paper.

Trick Your Brain

When another essay is assigned, lots of people will roll their eyes, sigh with despair and say something like: “Why?? Why me again? Another class just got a multiple choice test, and I have to ramble on these pages again?”. Frankly speaking, that’s not a winning strategy.

Next time, try asking yourself: “How do I have the most fun of this paper?” or “What do I have to do to write it really fast and properly at the same time?”. Your subconscious will immediately start working and some really interesting and efficient ideas may pop up in your head. Why does it work? Because your brain is awesome.

Form a Set of Writing Habits

Habit is a second nature, right? Luckily, we have all the powers to change it. Forming a set of habits, that are to precede writing that paper, will help you tune your mind for work. But that’s not the best part of it.

You can have some really nice habits, that will eventually associate with writing. For instance, why not try a new kind of coffee with each assignment? Or get special delicious (yet healthy) snacks for those essays and research papers? Either way, these little things will boost your motivation and make the whole thing less gloomy.

Keep It Simple

Academic papers obviously have to be profound and sophisticated. However, one of the problems with student’s writing is that they try to appear smart too hard. Yes, you’ve got to understand all the concepts and terms, necessary to write a good paper on the topic. Those might be quite tricky.

Apart from them, keep things simple. Overly complicated grammatical constructions make your paper more difficult to read. Thus, avoiding them you show mercy to your reader, and make your life easier. Which is a good thing, isn’t it?

Follow Your Heart

Work on any project gets much easier if you truly care about it. This rules apply to writing. When you get a chance to pick a topic for your assignment – choose something you’re passionate about. This way you’ll turn a regular boring task into an exciting journey, that’s going to bring you to far more satisfying results.

Lay the Foundation

Quite often people hate college writing just because they know, they won’t manage to do it well. Spelling and grammar errors have their negative impact on the grade you get, making you loathe writing in general. The important thing here is to lay the foundation to write well.

The most efficient and pleasant way to become a better writer is to read. There are so many books in the world, that everyone is bound to find something both useful and enjoyable. Pick something to your liking and dig in. Your writing skills will inevitably get better, and you’re likely to appreciate the craft more!

Talk It Out

Fighting is easier when you’re not alone, right? If you treat papers as your enemies – this idea will help you. Whenever you’re assigned with an essay or a research paper – discuss it with your friends. Don’t turn the discussion into a collective whining session, though. When the intent of your writing is to persuade your reader – do so with your friends! In case you are to come up with an argumentative essay – debate on this or that controversial idea. If the goal is a research paper – just talk about the subject. Not only you may get interesting ideas from your mates, but also will reinforce writing assignments with positive emotions from those conversations.

Break It Down Into Chunks

Writing assignments are often overwhelming. Moreover, how are you supposed to love something, when it totally digests your free time, not leaving a single chance to take a nap or even the smallest portion of fun?

There’s a solution. Divide each task into small parts. First, they’re much easier to digest. Second, you’ll manage to cope with your paper and have life. One aspect to take into consideration is that you need to plan your time. But that’s also not a bad skill to train,right?

Always Make and Outline

When your writing project is on the first step, organize your thoughts first. The most powerful tool for that is an outline. It helps you clearly understand what you need to do to write that paper. Each essay is composed of a set of less or more standard bricks, performing certain functions. When you learn these patterns, academic papers won’t pose any single problem.

Well, there you go. With a bit of patience and these ideas, you’ll turn work on papers into quite a pleasant activities. And finally: love thy writing and have fun

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